Simply me me me.. My life, my thoughts, my dreams, my ups and downs, my believes. A bit selfish I know, but's my blog ;P
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
soo here i am.. 21 dec 10, blogging from ibis bencoolen, singapore..
hotell is good..small but ok.. no facilities thoo T_T gw pikir yg bakalan bisa brenang2 tp ga bisa. huhu..tak apa lah smenjak gw jg sharian dah olahraga jalan..
penerbangan auckland-singapore, drama!! emang gw kyknya agak ciong ama si SQ.. kita pas smp kursi kita pertama, dah ngeliat ada om2 lagih ribut2 ama pramugari gara2 tasnya ga masuk ke kabin yg di atas gituh. dia duduk d kursi kita pula..stelah ngomong baik2 akhirnya dia pindah ke kursinya n kta duduk d kursi kita. nah wktu itu urusan dia n mba pramugari belon slese.. dia tiba2 ngomong2 sendiri. andre cuma 'loo napa dia ngomong2 sndiri yah??' gw yg 'hmm aneh ajah kali'..trs ga lama segabrug pramugari/pramugara dtg k tmpt duduk kita n ngomong2 ama ni org.. apperantly nih org agak mabok donk n emang bau alkohol. hhhhh...drama!! out of hundreds of seats on that plan, dia bsa duduk d smpg kita -.-" dia ktakutan banget tasnya ilang gara2 kan akhirnya hrs diambil si mba krn ga muat d kabin..
it didnt stop there..ini org tba2 mo ke toilet pas kita take off donk!! si pramugara smp melotot n nyuruh dia sit down smp ntr dah di atas.. nih org ngomong2 lagih ndiri smbl ngacung2in jari tengah. pramugara spaneng, ngomel2 n bilang kl dia ngasih ni org warning..kl smpe dia cari masalah lagih, dia bakal diturunin. org ini sih alesannya dia ga ada mksd ksh jari in a bad way, dia cuma critanya mo nunjuk ke arah toilet cuma mgkn kebiasan pake jari tengah buat nunjuk..oh well.. gw cma diem ajah smbl meluk si andre.. top everything of... nih org ngerokok d toilet!! O.M.G!!captain dtg ke kursi kta (somehow i felt so important.. everyone was like coming to our seat!!) sambil ngomel2 n blg '15 years i work here, no one smoke in the toilet and now you dare to smoke on my flight!!! this is really our last warning. we've been kind enough to let you get into the plane but you keep making problems. one more, and we will divert the plan to the nearest city and you'll be kicked out of the plane. the police can take you there' gw lgs bsik2 andre 'hun, ini sih kalo sampe mendarat darurat gara2 nih org mah bener2 dahh!!! but at least we will have story to tell people' good thing to report - there was no more drama after that!!! hahaha.. senang =) peaceful...
arrive in singapore...
kita langsung jalan ke hotel check in.. macetnya masa olohh and si uncle2 sopir taxi jadi curcol ttg singapore's traffic. gila dah singapore.. mobil everywhere, people everywhere, mall everywhere, makanan everywhere..abis dr hotel kita lgs jalan ke marina bay n makan di no signboard restaurant..
pas dilayanin kan kta kebiasan gitu blg thank you.. tp somehow org2 malah ngeliatin kta dng muka bingung/aneh..turn out mgkn mreka ga biasa kali yah dibilangin thank u ama tamu ahahha.. lalu pelayanannya srg bgt nuangin teh kita..jadi agak surprise/risih hahaha..oh2 .. trs kan andre minta tissue n peanuts xtra..kirain ga bayar.. pas dpt bon tyata kta disuruh bayar -.-" gw lgs yg ndre itu tissue tolong dibawa pulang, we pay for that hahahhaha..
day 2 in singapore..
pagi2 breakfast ya kun kaya kalo ga salah.. enak deh rotinya manis gituh..YUM! kayak bagelen tp ga keras.. trs temuan el/arip n kta ke gereja.. plg greja akhirnya ketemu ama bombie n gill.. gil cma temuan bntr but thats ok.. abis itu kta lunch di lucky plaza.. di sinih orang bener2 banyak banget.. i miss my space in auckland.. di sini kayaknya ga ada yah yg namanya personal space hahaha.. trs banyak org2 gitu kan berdiri2 dpn mall, ga ngapa2in..apperantly mreka lagih mejeng hahaha..
abis lunch, gw ma andre ke flyer (or bianglalanya singapore - lolo's language) was okk.. yah penasaran ajah lah dah smpe sinihh.. trs thank God dpt tiket gratis buat naek kapal liat merlion, jd kta naek itu juga.. abis itu kta ke sand on the bay ato apa gitu yg di atas kasino.. yah kayak ngeliat kota singapore from 300m above the ground kalo ga salah.. that was good as well hihihi.. we made a pic too there..
nite, balik lagih ke city n we had dinner with el/arip/bie.. entah krn gw dah klaperan or krn ribnya tonny romas sgt menggoda, gw sama skali lupa sama yg namanya photo2.. pdhl dah niatan loh foto makanan, mo foto2an ama bie n el... -.-" tdk ada yg terpenuhi!! oh well, i have more xcuses to come back to singapore! hihihi.. trs kita ngobrol2 ga jelas, tawa tiwi.. ahhh so funn!!! =)
gw sgt suprise dng kota singapore yg masih sgt ramai jam 11 malam..di oklen mah dah ga ada apa2 kali jam 11... jam 9 ajah dah ga ada apa2 hahhahahaa...
day 3 in singapore..
universal daayyy!!! wooohhhoo... its really good.. iLike!!! kayak kta tuh bener2 ada di tempat laen.. di imagination world.. everything looks so nice n happy :) ada 1 game kta ngantri ampir 2 jam donk.. muka gila! trs ngeliat nih satu kluarga ada mba2nya gendong anak yg paling kecil..emaknya kayk dah ga peduli gituh.. trs kan nih anak bangun n minta susu.. mamanya ga ngapa2in donk, si mba ajah sibuk krn dia gendong bayi n at the same time hrs bikin susunya.. akhirnya mba itu kluar dr antrian, duduk.. n memanage utk bkin susu smbl mangku si bayi -.-" gw liat org2 yg ada skitar situ akhirnya yg bantuin. gila lohh...mamanya tuh kayak ga ada perasaan apa2 gitu, tetep ajah ngantri.. gw sangat amazed!
malemnya..kta makan tahuuu..enak sih cuma tantenya ga bisa bahasa inggris.. si el yg campuran menggunakan mandarin seadanya n bahasa tgn akhirnya berhasil memesankan makanan.. hi3..thank you ell :)
day 4 in singapore..
shoopinggg day.. tp kita sempet agak2 lost krn we didnt know where to start.. we went to orchard but there are so many malls in orchard.. akhirnya kta cma ke ion, wisma atria, isetan ama takashimaya..abis itu gw dah ga kuat n ga niat..
there are so many xpensive shops in singapore.. it's a bit tragic i think some parts of the world, people are queuing to get clean water and food, but in this part of the world, people are queuing to buy LV, Channel, and Prada...
overall singapore..
i like it as a holiday..i love the transportation, the food, the options of many things..oh also wonderful decoration around the city.. they are so pretty... you can get everything, i mean EVERYTHING in singapore i think..
however, i would think a few times to stay here..maybe i just havent get used to it..
jadi kapan itu kta ngobrol2 about kehidupan di sinih..basically what you can do is just shopping and go to the malls.. terus kerja juga sibuk banget sampe malem.. kyk arip, dia bsa plg smpe malem gituh..n i asked him, what happen if you're a mother? dia blg sih dia ada temennya dah berkeluarga, n yah itu plg telpon2an ajah sama anaknya..mamanya tp tetep di kntr ampe kerjaan selese.. oh trs td pagi juga liat ada mba2 lagih dorong bayi jam 10an gitu and i'm so sure itu bkan anaknya.. mgkn mama papanya yg sudah sibuk d kntr.. sedihh banget.. yah gw ga bisa bilang apa2, mungkin itu tuntutan hidup d sinih..
trs gw come into conclusion hidup di sini keras banget!!! maren itu kta beli tissue di toko 24 jam, 16 bungkus cuma 75 cents..gila murah banget.. wktu itu pas jalan pulang hotel, ada opa2 jualan tissue itu 3 buat $1.. gw smpe buang ga tegaa bangett.. i mean dia dah tua bangett n brpa sih yg dia bsa jual dlm 1 hari? apa cukup? gw jadi sedihh.. tp yah mo gmana.. again, mgkn emang itu tuntutan hidup sinih.. gw jg liat ada bbrp org2 tua yg msh pada kerja di fud court bebersih....
i miss auckland, i miss my personal space, i miss lots of things.. but for now, i will just enjoy my holiday as much as i can!!! =)
nxt stop - JAKARTA!!!
Monday, November 22, 2010
A few weeks ago, I realise that it’s harder for me to love/care about others now rather than when I was younger. Why? Maybe because I realise that there are a lot of dodgy people out there, who wouldn’t think twice to take advantage of others, and also as time goes by, I see it more and more that people are just disappointing. I think there was a point when I thought I lost my faith in people (except my closest one of course).. I think all people are the same, they can’t be trusted and they all have their own agenda. And so, daripada gw get hurt later on, it’s better to keep distance and not letting any feeling (i.e. love/care) involve. If I can help, I help but kalo ga bisa yaudah..toh gw juga bukan sapa2nya dia…
Am I happy living like this? Not really… I miss the old me yang kayaknya bsa care sama org freely..yang bisa bertemen n love others easily, tanpa ada itung2an n rasa takut d kepala gw.. I want to have some faith in people again cos yahh.. gw percaya msh ada org baik n honest di dunia ini and jg biarpun mreka not yet kayak gituh, gw yakin mreka bsa berubah.. tp skarang I’m not willing to take that risk again just yet..
Kemaren di greja, khotbah ttg simple Christianity.. and satu pointnya adalah ‘kasihilah sesamamu dng sungguh2’.. I want to do it, but how? Apakah batasan2 or criteria mengasihi dng sungguh2 itu? It’s not that I’m afraid to get hurt, yeah maybe a little..but maybe I’m also afraid that I would hurt other people.. People have certain xpectations of others.. nah, kalo gw ga bisa fulfil xpectations mreka gimana..kan malah jd makin panjang urusannya.. ok lah, love itu bukan about xpectations only tapi juga toleransi dll.. nah, tp kalo ‘the other’ party ga ngerti ttg ini gmana.. kan berabe.. hoh!!
Hmmm..what is this thing called love? I want to understand..
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
live like there's no tomorrow
Saturday, November 13, 2010
back from la la land
gara2 si pinkbuble, gw jadilah menonton film korea lagih.. penasaran ajah gitu. nonton yg personal preference n suka suka suka suka bangett.. selaen emang lee min ho ganteng ajehh n di situ kayaknya dia sweet banget.. i like the story as well..
i just love a cinderella story when the clumsy, nice girl..yang slama ini dijaatin org..akhirnya found happiness n her prince charming.. benernya critanya typical banget lah.. but i love it.. don't u just like when the underdog 'wins'?? hahahaa..
ini nonton dah pake perjuangan sampe dimarahin org rumah ngabisin quota internet bulan inih hahaha (gw nonton dr website).. tp it's all worth it!!!ntr di indo gw mo cari ah dvdnya.
tau sihh di kehidupan nyata ga mungkin seindah itu movie.. n juga tuh cowo mungkin ga seperfect2 spt di movie..krn gw juga udah nyari di website, ada beberapa images lee min ho yg to be honest bkin gw ilpil hahaha.. tp for a while.. i like to be in this la la land.. 2 days tepatnya. now i'm on my way home to reality..
Saturday, October 30, 2010

beberapa hari lalu gw nonton eat pray love, trus kan scene di mana mreka have thanksgiving dinner gitu tiba2 jd keinget kalo emang thanksgiving kan saat2 skarang nih.. jd pengen jg adain dinner kyk gitu with my closest friends and exactly like in the movie, we say what we're thankful for this year.. trs gw dha mikir, gw bakal ngomong apa yah. guess wat??? i was blank.. i got nothin to say, cos to be honest.. taon ini i dont think i did anything big. apalagih compare taon 2009 di mana gw had a wedding (twice), new job, church camp, etc etc.. taon inih.. big zero.. yah life goes as normal, but ga ada yg bener2 gimana gitu lhoo..all my plans buat taon ini tak tercapai :-( i felt shock and a bit sad at the same time.. how come i got nothin to thankful for??
nah, td somehow..randomly (biasa dahh) gw tiba2 ngerasa overwhelmed.. i felt so thankful for whatever i have.... i am thankful :
- that i have a husband who is extremely awesome and kind and can make me laugh.. a husband, a lover and a best friend..and kita msh bisa enjoy our days together dlm keadaan sehat tanpa kekurangan suatu apapun
- that i have a bed that i can lay my body down at night, a place to call home, food to eat (yg kadang bahkan berlebihan!!), clothes and shoes to wear (again yg bahkan berlebihan -.-)
- that i live in this beautiful country and have a great job with good pay
- for the fact that i have unlimited dreams and hopes yg gw jamin bisa gw raih asal gw berdoa dan berusaha
- for my parents and my bawel brother who i know love me very much and always support me in everything
- good, excellent friends
jujur sedih banget loh pas denger smua yg terjadi di Indo.. trs bersamaan lagih..kyknya gmana gituh (haha.. gw ajah yg bukan apa2 dah sedih.. apalagih bapak presiden yah.. dia mah tapi mgkn lebih sakit kepala drpd sedih).
Tuhan, terus jagain Indo yah..i kno apapun yg terjadi pasti seijin Engkau.. please pulihkan Indonesia and tetep in control of Indo.. give the people strength, wisdom and for Your children, give them abundant faith so that they keep put their eyes on You.
i feel so bad sebelonnya i complaint kayaknya taon ini ga ada apa2.. nothin to be thankful for.. i didn't realise how i get it so easy compared to those people.. so thank You as well for that.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
pulang kerja
1st thought: 'ih tuh anjing lucu banget yah'
kmudian gw lanjut berjalan sambil nengok2 ngeliatin si anjing..
2nd thought: 'dogs can be more faithful than some people'
hmm bener juga yahh.. terus gw berjalan kembali..
3rd thought: 'actually, God create humans more perfect thank animals but why do some people act worse than animals?'
Haha.. mungkin kalo gw ngomong ini ke org, mereka pikir gw lagih kepahitan tingkat tinggi sama org laen.. but the truth is it was just my random thoughts, which I think is can be right sometimes....
is it the ugly truth? i bet it is..
Thursday, October 21, 2010
it's never to late....
Sunday, October 17, 2010
judulnya sih 'thoroughness'.. intinya? yah dia bilang kalo kita ngerjain sesuatu tuh harus sampe selese.. thorough.. stop being satisfied with a half-hearted, incomplete job! also, stop putting it off!! ihhh bisa pas gitu ama 'permasalahan' gw yang kemaren.. memang ajaib kalo dipikir2.. trs dia juga nulis ttg the 'satisfying feeling' that we get after we put the 'finished' label on whatever task it is that we have to do.. which is benerrr bangett!!
so i think quoting what nike says.. i need to just do it!
on another thing, gw lagi amazed banget sama org2 yg super creative!! kmaren ini lagih blogwalking, i found this blog yg gw langsung falling in love on the 1st sight! I think this Viv lady is very talented.. i like the way she does her house, how she does her web, and even dia ada fashion area gitu where she recorded some of her outfits.. gw jg love gaya berpakaian dia.. simple yet feminim and dewasa hahaha.. duhh apaan sih gw inih..
gw demen banget ama org2 yg creative, artistic, demen2 yg handmade.. mayb bcos there are that part of me as yg passionate about that kind of stuffs, cuma well cuma kurang pelampiasannya ajah.. kagum bgt deh ama org2 kayak gituhh..angkat topi!! =)
kalian yg suka baca blog gw mulai ngerasa ga sih kalo gw banyak maunya? hahaha.. yup dats me! =)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
gmana yahhh??
but somehow your body susah banget diajak kerja samanya..
dia lebih prefer untuk males2an n tidur2an n nonton tv hahaha..
gmana yah jalan keluarnya??? :-(
apa mungkin gw musti nunggu mood-nya ajah kali yahh..hu3..
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
after the day...

just update from bday - i know it's been ages - this is what i got from hubby.. he sent it to office and everyone was like 'woww you're so lucky. that's very sweet of him.' and yes, i always know that i'm lucky to have him.. wait, let me rephrase that.. i am soo blessed to have him ;) lovee the roses babe...
terus abis itu, kta cuma dinner and went to a movie ajah sih..nothin extravaganza.. a best friend also bought a cake for me and also got a cake at work.. for some reason, always forget to take pictures!!! hahaha.. kayak kuenya, pas dah dipotong br inget.. yah.. ya sudah lohh.. mo gmana.. we try again nxt time =p
terus terus.. bday kali ini somehow membuat gw ngerasa tua ajeh.. yah bukan tua2 yg gmana2 but like 'mann..i'm not a kid anymore. i'm already a wife and soon enough i will be a mother.. i can't just be what i have been.. i need to be better n more mature.' something like that hahaha.. yah mungkin ini pemikiran yang agak telat karenaa.. i think i should have this kind of thinking ages ago or the latest is when i got married.. but somehow it just kick in now.. also, bcos i'm not that young anymore, i need to take care of my health.. i.e. eat healthily, take care of the skin, lebih yg dandan2, etc etc.. apalagi jaman skarang.. hhhh.. kayaknya tiap ari denger ajah berita si ini lah sakit, si itu lah sakit... ckckckck...
haven't really came up with a game plan on how to react to this thoughts but i will.. still trying to make time to do that overdue self-reflection. kmaren ini tiba2 keingetan kata2 yang bilang 'if you can't find the time, then you have to make the time' or somethin like that. so i have to make the time...
apart from that, life is good..
auckland weather update: for some reason, it starts to get cold again!! padahal ini udah spring lohh.. well, i hope we can have the sunshine again soon.. this cold n windy weather is a bit depressing.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
happy birthday too.....ME!! =)
Short and Sweet
by Charles R. Swindoll
James 4:13-17
Average life spans are shorter than most of us realize. For instance, a face-lift lasts only six to ten years; a dollar bill lasts for only eighteen months; a painted line on the road remains only three to four months; and a tornado seldom lasts more than ten minutes.
There are differences of opinion, but most agree that the human life span averages somewhere between seventy-five and eighty years. That may sound encouraging to the young and disturbing to those in their sixties, seventies, and eighties. The simple fact is, however, nobody knows for sure how long he or she may live.
When we read and believe the warnings in Scripture, there is little doubt that life is short. James pulls no punches when he writes, "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away" (4:14).
The average life span may be seventy-five to eighty years, but who can say you or I have that long? We may have less than two years or, for that matter, less than two weeks. Vanishing vapors aren't known for longevity.
Since this is true, let's do our best to make the time we have count. Rather than live with reluctance, let's live with exuberance. Instead of fearing what's ahead, let's face it head-on with enthusiasm. And because life is so terribly short, let's do everything we can to make it sweet.
How? Three thoughts come to mind.
First, act on your impulse. Don't wait for the perfect moment. A woman in my former church took these words to heart and contacted a person she hadn't talked to for a long time. The person was surprised and thrilled. "You have no idea how much your call has meant to me," she said. Later the woman who had received the call admitted she had planned to take her life that very afternoon. The call had changed her mind.
Second, focus on the positive. Merchants of negativism may be strong and sound convincing, but their message is debilitating. Life's too short for that. Spread germs of cheer. Joy is contagious.
Third, traffic in the truth. Refuse to stake your claim on hearsay. Check out the facts. Be discerning. If you are a conduit of communication, speak only the truth. If you're not absolutely sure, keep quiet. Lies can outlive lives, unfortunately.
Short and sweet. That's the only way to go.
Have you been putting off something you really want or need to do? You don't have forever. Get at it!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
october 2010
beside the fact that i'm having a major moodswing!! haha.. yesterday i had this major moodswing.. one minute i feel happy n thankful of life.. the next minute i feel so bored and feel hopeless. one minute i feel positive and can do so much.. next minute i feel so useless and unworthy. it was a very tiring emotional rollercoaster.. hopefully there's a simple explanation for all of that hehe.. today i feel a lot better and calmer, which is excellent!!! =)
terus apa lagi yah yg happening around me.. oo.. mr hubby is being challenged by doctor to loose xx kgs in the next 7 weeks. so far it has been 2 weeks and he's on track. ^^ GO HUBBY!! to be honest, i am very impressed and proud of him. He's very dedicated, tidak mudah tergoyahkan banget!! if i were him, i probably already failed from day 3 (hopefully.. or day 2.. hahaha).. the reason is just because he's doing a vegan diet!! i mean no meat AT ALL??? ckckck.. and eventho sometimes people mock him and stuffs, he still doing what he's doing.. terus.. he has to exercise every single day.. 2 hours walking and again, he is so dedicated!!! i sometimes accompany him on the weekend, which is good for me as well... Ini vegan diet sih tokcer lohh.. sampe sempet kepikir to do it as well.. but i think it's not me at all.. at least he still likes vegies and fruits.. lah gw... no no!! so maybe i shud choose sumthing else.. tp gud news is... i've been avoiding rice (or at least mengurangi) from my dinner n i've been loosing weight as well. yeyyy...walopun skrang dah ga obses2 banget sih.. a bit relaxed about it!!
2 days to go till my bdayy.. yeeeyy... i love my bday.. bcos it's the day i born.. the day the world welcoming... ME =) it's the start of my existence in this world. walopun yah apa yg aku expect from my birthday beda lah dari yang dulu2.. kalo dulu kan wishing for presents presents presents.. kalo sekarang, i just wanting a nice simple day with my loved ones.. also with myself spaya bisa self reflection.. n i wish i can be a better person in the 'new' year of my life =) taon ini belom self-reflection nih..huhuhu..
Thursday, September 30, 2010
there were so many things happen this month..felt so likes one thing after another..bawaannya mau marahhh ajah.oh n also mau makannn ajah,which is not good! haha..but i don't know; just feel like munching munching munching....
Lord, thank You so much that september is over and i am still here..i'm looking forward for nxt month..i believe i will have a great month!! i don't want to feel
this exhausted again on 31 me if I need to change some lifestyle or whatever.. i want to be better..thank You Lord..oya, october kan
my bday month..are You giving me any present?? ;)
trs yah kemaren itu ada temen yg nge-quote gini..hmm intinya dia blang kalo tujuan hidup sebenernya itu bukan to be happy but to help people,make a change,n do good deeds. to be honest i'm not completely agree with that..gmana kta bisa do all of those kalo kta sendiri ga happy.iya ga i making sense hahaha...oh well thats what i think anyway..
Monday, September 13, 2010
Today I will make a difference. I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving.
Today I will make a difference. I will not let past failures haunt me. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It’s OK to stumble… . I will get up. It’s OK to fail… . I will rise again.
Today I will make a difference. I will spend time with those I love. My spouse, my children, my family. A man can own the world but be poor for the lack of love. A man can own nothing and yet be wealthy in relationships. Today I will spend at least five minutes with the significant people in my world. Five quality minutes of talking or hugging or thanking or listening. Five undiluted minutes with my mate, children, and friends.
Today I will make a difference.
From Shaped by God
Copyright (Tyndale House, 2002) Max Lucado
Thursday, September 9, 2010
terus terusss.. huuuuaaa..maren ini br di-tag foto n i am in shock. gw look super bundar di foto itu.. trs2 kan bete jadi curhat ke si el.. el pas liat pertama ga ngenalin gw. stlh gw confirm kalo that girl in baju kotak2 adalah gw, komen dia brikutnya 'mari diet bersama lo'... hahahaha.. i thanked her for being nice and diplomatic alias ga jelas2an blg ke gw 'ahh bulat sekali lo!' hahaha... sebenernya gw ckup yakin itu sih salah angle and kameranya =p but well... eventho it's hurt gw mengakui kalo gw gemukan hahahaha.. oh welll... ntar weeken mo mempersiapkan diri n menyusun rencana ahh buat nxt week.. hhhh..foto itu benar2 membukakan mata saya T_T tapi gimana donk..i love to eat. i cook good food, hubby cook even better food.. hhh.. such a challenge. but we'll get there.. gw ga mo overstress hihihi...
weeken .. so happy it's coming =) i'm so ready for youuuu....
Sunday, September 5, 2010
nz oh nz
1. one of the biggest nz owned finance company has collapsed and pemerintah tuh yg sampe musti bailed them out banyak banget, spy ekonomi di nz tetep jalan. krn banyak farmers n pengusaha2 kecil yg naro duit di perusahaan ituh n kl sampe uang mereka ga keluar sih, gw ga tau dah.. n mnurut koran2.. this bail out will cost the rest of nz (us, the taxpayers) about $200,000an per person. haddoohh gila yahh..
topic ini bener2 jadi buah bibir semingguan kemaren..kayaknya ga ada yg diomongin selaen inih. i think skrg sih pelan2 dah calming down.. but i guess the effect bakalan masih akan berkelanjutan.
2. gempa bumi di christchurch. thank God it's not in Auckland, or otherwise mgkn nih postingan ga bakalan exists n thank God jg, gw ga ada sodara/temen yg dket2 banget di sonoh. tapi hati gw tetep sedih ngedenger berita n ngeliat gmbr2nya.. my heart goes to the christchurch people. it must be very devastating for them! but nz is very blessed that no one died pdhl it happened at 4.30am in the morning waktu org2 tidur..n kalo liat reruntuhan2nya sih..bakalan ga percaya kl ga ada yg meninggal lohh...
trs gw kan kerja di insurance company, jadi yah pasti lah berasa banget secara org2 pasti pada make a claim. inih ajah org2 di kntr yg ngurus2in tampangnya dah pada capek. (apparently bagian claim ada yg kerja over the weekend gara2 ini).. nah trs gw bayangin, apalagih org yg ngalamin gempanya n tinggal di christchurch yahh.. ckckck.. pasti bakalan lebih capek etc etc..
lalu lalu... pastilah these whole things bakalan cost nz some more money to do the fixing, reconstruction, etc etc.. pemerintah pasti mabok banget dah skrg..-.-" uang buat ini, uang buat itu. but there you go nz, we've been so comfortable in everything we have that often we forget that there's Someone bigger than us.
I am a great believer that everything happened for a reason. I know God has a plan behind everything that happened. I think God is trying to say something for NZ, to remind us again that we need Him. Afterall lagu kebangsaan NZ adalah 'God defend NZ' and this place yg kena earthquake adalah 'Christchurch'.
also, out of all this, gw makin nyadar.. that i heart nz.. it has been home for the past 10 years. n i feel so blessed to be able to live in this lovely, beautiful country =)
Friday, September 3, 2010
jangan itu Kau tolak sebelum aku mati, yakni:
Jauhkanlah dari padaku kecurangan dan kebohongan.
Jangan berikan kepadaku kemiskinan atau kekayaan.
Biarlah aku menikmati makanan yang menjadi bagianku
Supaya, kalau aku kenyang, aku tidak menyangkal-Mu
dan berkata: Siapa TUHAN itu?
Atau, kalau aku miskin, aku mencuri,
dan mencemarkan nama Allahku."
-Amsal 30:7-9-
so, apakah kesimpulan akhirnya? well let me say in lolo's language..
happiness is a choice. we choose to be happy whatever our situations are, because let's face is not always at the top. pasti ada saatnya kta feel down or we're in a bad situation. laluu..apakah itu artinya kta lie to ourselves, being on self denial, so that we look happy at all times? NO! we still recognize our problems, struggles and feelings but we're still choose to be happy (or at least try to be happy because we act the way we want to feel). nah, at the same time, yah kita juga harus solve whatever it is yg membuat kita ga happy. do something about it because self pity and depression will get us nowhere.
kadang kita sadari atau tidak, being happy itu can be very tiring. i think people nowadays, lebih terbiasa utk komplein, look at the negative sides, being critical and judgmental, being tired etc etc that maybe for them, being happy is weird. jadi mreka akan try to bring the happy people down.. kyk ada temen gw yg pernah blg gw 'napa sih lo slalu being positive.. stop being positive'. so, it's not easy to be happy, positive n content. kadang2 gw jg sadar kl lagih cerita2 gituh.. kan biasa org crita2 problem2nya mreka.. kdg rasanya kl gw ga ada problem tuh kyknya ada yg kurang.. lagian kan agak basi yg kl yg laen cerita2, trs gw cuma 'hmm i think my life is great.' hahaa..
yah anyway, i'm happy i read this book. i found out (again) that i can change my life without having to change my life (get it?!? *wink*) When I made an effort to reach out for them, I found that the ruby slippers had been on my feet all along. =)
so everyone..i wish you all a happy joyful life.. =)

Thursday, September 2, 2010
be lolo!!! =)
anyway, salah satu yg dibahas spy bisa happy itu adalah be ourselves, and in my case it means be lolo!! be Laura Gracia Setyadi ^^ minggu lalu gw tiba2 come into a realisation kalo gw adalah org yg suka meng-compare. not good rite? and i know it's not right either, but sometimes i just can't help it. apalagih di-iming2i dng kata2 yg blg kalo meng-compare itu bisa juga menjadi sebuah motivasi/push spy kita bisa jadi lebih baik lagih. sounds nice rite?? but is it true?
to be honest, the line between di mana 'comparing' itu membuat kita jadi termotivasi ato menjadi sirikan sangatlah tipis. too often, i found myself becoming a very jealousy person rather than a motivated person. and i'm not happy!! i never feel happy with what i have bcos i thot every1 else can have it better, nicer, much more.. i want that as well.. and bohlam moment gw adalah saat2 di mana kmaren ini gw ngelamar2 kerjaan krn 'peer pressure'. ada bbrp org di tmpt kerja yg ga happy gitu, ada yg emg ga seneng ama kerjaannya dan ada 1 lagih yang emang kebetulan temen 1 teamnya krg okeh, jd dia mo cabut. nah pdhl gw benernya sih seneng2 ajah d kerjaan gw, ada bbrp hal going on, but i'm still ok about it n i actually like my job. cuma krn org2 pada mo cari kerjaan laen, gw jadi ikut2an donk.. ga mo kalah ceritanya.. gila yahh... itu ajah benernya nyarinya bner2 nyoba2 berhadiah..
so after gw melakukan bbrp pemikiran.. gw ceritanya dah mulai 'berdamai' dng diri gw apa adanya n mo be happy by being lolo..
being lolo ituuu.....
- mungkin mood2an tp thank God most of the time i'm in a good mood
- ga bisa dance - badan gw ga lentur!!! huhuhu... nge-zumba ajah dah lmyn perjuangan
- mungkin ga bisa make friends secepat n sebanyak orang2 lainnya, but i think it's ok, as long as i know who my real friends are right?
- ga bisa jadi cewe misterius.. hhh.. *my long life dream* i am who i yah bener2 apa adanya, ga suka deh ama yg ribet2
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
eventho i have to spend the day on bed n not looming pretty at all with my red nose,puffy eyes n tired face..
somehow i still feel happy n eager to face the rest of 2010.. to face whatever coming my way..
weird but true..
dtambah lagi it's the 1st day of spring n i love spring so much!!
simply said, i'm happy :)
slamat yah..
btw di sini gw akan menceritakan bagaimana gw mendengar kabar ini dr my old friend, ripi...
siang2 hr slasa,31/08/10 di mana gw lg sibuk berat di kntr krn last day, datanglah sebuah email dr ni org..
'check your fb plz :)' -->> gitu doank ga ada apa2 lagih..
lalulah gw buka fb di iphone gw..trs gw tunggu2, gw cek di mailbox gw ga ada apa2, di wall gw jg ga ada apa2.. kmudian jadilah gw bertanya lg ke dia dng email
'heh? di mana? ga ada apa2..' trs bohlam moment 'fb lu apa fb gw?'
arip menjawab 'fb gw not yours' SWT dah gw!!
Abis itu gw buka donk fbnya dia.. nah berhubung ini di iphone n for some reason itu change status kaga kluar di fb gw maren (or not yet), jd gw bingung lagih.. ada apa toh.. pas gw pencet info baru deh gw tau kalo what ripi meant was to tell me that he n el are engaged now..karena tuh status dah brubah
temanku oh temanku.. sok misterius skali dirimu..
abis itu ada deh gw yg komplein2 ke si arip abis 10 years of friendship mann n ini cara dia ngasih tau gw. hahaha.. i xpect a more personal announcement. but apperantly dia bilang inilah cara dia ngasih tau ke gw scara personal.. boy oh boy..
but anyway... gw tetep seneng kok buat mreka b2.. n i like el :) wktu pertama kali ketemu udah langsung nyambung.. n arip is like my 'gay friend', **rip lo jgn histeris yah kalo baca ini** gw dah biasa bgt lah ama dia. i can almost tell him everything n anything, eventho 10 yrs ago we started with some bumpy roads ha3... (apperantly si arip suka agak2 sebel gitu ama gw gara2 gw suka bolos kelas n pijem2 catetan dia and gw jg smpt kesel2 ama si arip abis kyknya ni org ngomong suka ga dipikir jg ya n agak arrogant) but put the past behind.. here we areee =)
cheers for both of you.. i believe you will have a great wedding day, great marriage n good looking children.. =)
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
my love for books
Di rumah juga, buku banyak bener.. to tell you a secret, i haven't even read some of them!! or maybe most of them. hahaha.. i just feel happy knowing i bought it.. (i think i have a problem -.-" i'm a bookholic T_T) why do i like books? maybe because i feel i can know more by reading books.. gw jadi makin pintar hohoho..
My favourite type of books mungkin yang ke arah2 psychology2 gituh; about types of people, about relationship, biography or self-development. Tapi gw jg ga nolak kok kalo dikasih komik or novel hahaha..
My dream is one day to have a library room in my house.. trs ntr gw categorise my book collection spya kalo ada orang yang minjem gampang =) i really want my books to help other people. Terus itu di ruang library, bakalan ada meja dng komputer2 di tengahnya n maybe a few days a week, gw bersama hubby n anak2 can just stay there, reading books while having coffee or juices for the children.. study together.. exploring 'new world' together..
Ahhhh.. i love books!!!! <3
PS. ga ada gw lg kangen banget sama rumah jkt n my parents huhuhu..
the happiness project
2. remember love - marriage
3. aim higher - work
4. lighten up - parenthood
5. be serious about play - leisure
6. make time for friends - friendship
7. buy some happiness - money
8. contemplate the Heaven - eternity
9. pursue a passion - books
10. pay attention - mindfulness
11. keep a contended heart - attitude
12. boot camp perfect - happiness
aku baru baca sampe bab 3, but so far iLike *kasih jempol* ga rugi kok baca buku inih. so, buat orang2 yang lagih pengen baca buku.. try read this one =)
Monday, August 23, 2010
benernya sih nothin urgent2 bgt,cma gw sebel ajah napa sih berat badan gw kaga turun2..pdhl gw dah setia lih mengunjungi si gym..emng sih br 2 minggu, tp ini tanda2
penurunan sama skali ga ada...behh 250 gr jg ga -.-" emosii!!
dah gw rela2 badan skit sglaa..betis n paha skit..pdhl dl gw ga olahraga berat gw sama2 ajah jg..sempet terlintas gw berenti aja dah k mo turun.trs sedihnya lg...depannya treadmill d gym ada
kaca..jd slama gw treadmill terus2an dha ngeliatin paha gw yg bs dibilang ga kecil bgs jg sih jd buat motivasii..
ari ini gw dtambah pake brenang pula..pdhl td siang br ngerasa pengggeenn bgt brenang. i missed pas plg si mr.a tba2 nanyain mau brenang ga?? pdhl gw pkir br mo ngajakin dia weeken ntr..agak amased benernya, he can read my
mind hahaha..kta makin jd 1 wavelength or kl bhsnya itunes mah udah ke-synchronised hahaha..
so gw SANGAT berharp berat bdn akan turun this week spy gw ga frustrasi lg!! :p
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
jadi dia denger crita again dr org lagih..kalo ada this couple that we know.nah gw dl tuh deket banget ama the guy of this couple, lets just say it's mr A.. n cewenya namanya miss B. Temen gw blg kalo si mr A ini ngerasa cewenya srg digosipin ama org2 krn miss B deket sama 1 cowok XX.. n org2 pada gosipin miss B sama XX. trs karena gw tau keadaan yg sesungguhnya 'ahh ga ada kok yg nge-gosipin miss B sama XX.. ngapain lah. gw sih tau kok mreka emg deket and jujur ajah si XX ini agak dodgy, bahkan gw smp blg ke mr A suruh ati2 lah.. i mean.. si XX ini dl sempet lah berusaha deket2 gw pdhl dah jelas2 tau gw dah tunangan.. n sebelomnya dia jg ngejar salah satu temen gw yg laen..emg dodgy..'
To my surprise temen gw blg 'ooo tyata elo yah yg blg 'ati2' krn emang ini org2 merasa digosipin krn bahkan katanya smp ada yg blg 'ati2' gitu..tyata elo orgnya.. haha' terus temen gw jg blg kl dia emang pernah denger dr org laen lagi kl si XX ini emg dodgy!!! suka ngejar2 ce sana sinih.. ngerasa kegantengan n ngerasa smua cewe bakalan luluh ama dia *tuh kan brarti bkn gw doank yg ngerasa dodgy!!*
nah si miss B apperantly ga ngerasa suka gw ngomong gitu ke mr A.. n dia jd ngerasa digosipin *what d heck*.. emg gw ga pernah go into details knp gw ngomong gitu krn gw pkr buat apa lah, ntr dipikir nge-gosip, blm ntr dibilang gw ngomongin org dll dll.. gw cma ngomong ati2 krn gw smpet dket ama mr A.. n gw sih basically ga mo dia knapa2 ajah.. si miss B mikir gw mikir yg ga2 padahal mreka dah kyk kakak adek... gituhh. gw sih sbenarnya cma kepikiran mr A.. gw ga mo dia patah hati, disakiti dll sama this person XX that we just know for a while..
gw akhirnya blg ke temen gw yg td i had the convo with that..'i just said that bcos i care about my friends. if they take it the wrong way, well mo gimana..mreka jg ga pernah nanya gw, mreka ga tau what hapenned to me and they just make assumption. ya gw mo gmana. at least i only meant good'..
tapi sejujurnya gw ckup sedih sih... i mean i know mr A for almost 10 years and miss B for maybe 3 years.. n mreka br kenal si XX maybe 1 month lah wktu the whole thing happened tapi mreka kok bisa gituh ajah percaya sama si XX n nuduh gw yg ngga2.. se-ngga kenal itunya kah mreka ma gw. afterall gw ga akan randomly nuduh org dodgy donk kl gw ga ada alesan..emg mreka pkr gw psycho -.-" but ya udha lah.. mo gmana.. people think what they want to think..prinsip gw sih slama niatan hati gw bener ya udah..
sedihh.. yah mo gmana...mayb nxt time i shud just keep my mouth shut.. i don't know.. to be honest sumtime gw kdg dah bingung mo gimana ama org..dibaekin salah.. dijahatin yah salah.. hhh...
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
bingung mau kasih judul apa..
oh well, anyway.. again, what a month! di kantor yang sibuk banget, di rumah pun kurang lebih sama (walopun ini termasuk sibuk maen juga sih. hahaha..) and this is still haven't done yet.. masih begitu banyak hal yg harus dikerjakan haha..
just a recap of kejadian2 yg terjadi:
1. quarter final, semi final n final world cup- yg menyebabkan jam tidur saya tak menentu and slalu mengantuk. anyway, congrats to spain and go germany for the next euro/world cup!! *duh gw ngerasa basi bgt msh ngomongin world cup*
2. salah satu my closest friends, yang sekaligus possible future sister in law was coming to town!! woohoo.. so fun!! yah banyak ngobrol, banyak makan, banyak go out, banyak play cards, n banyak2 lainnya yg of course as no.1, menyebabkan sya kurang tidur n sibuk. hihihi.. but i was so happy!! ^^ skarang dia dah balik indo lagih n we're back to reality
3. last saturday gw potong rambut and again, kependekan!!! arrgghh..padahal tiap kali potong dah berjanji sama diri sendiri laen kali ga mo potong pendek2 etc etc.. tp tiap kali juga abis potong, gw ngerasa kependekan.. kalo kata temen gw mah 'ahh itu kan emang tiap kali potongan rambut lu..dora style' -.-" padahal tiap kali potong slalu mencontoh gambar yg berbeda hhhh.....why o why
4. ohh ini plg penting, ada banyak perubahan rencana in our marriage. hehehe..makanya sibuk juga urus ini itu, n kepikiran ini itu.. and kayaknya semua terjadi begitu cepat! sampe kadang kalo mkir2 lagih br yang 'gilee... cepet jg yah smua terjadi' *msh ga percaya gituh* but things slowly fall into places n skarang cuma tinggal nunggu kabar lagih dr sana sini.. gw imani smuanya akan cepat selese!
nah skarang game plan yg masih harus terus dijalanin...
just keep my head down n work through that piles of work! hahaha.. ntar juga satu2 selese and smuanya selese. Lagian kalo sibuk artinya bagus.. business is good and thank God gw masih ada kerjaan..
rencana malam inih abis pulang kerja:
1. blanja buat masak
2. masak
3. masukin cucian n terus dryer
4. membereskan pembukuan rumah tangga hahaha.. bulan ini slack banget!
5. wardrobe cleaning - too many clothes >.<
Sunday, July 4, 2010
to all FC friendss...
karena satu dan lain hal, fashion chronicle ku minggu ini menyusul yah.. *jd ga enaak ati, gw yg tentuin topik tp telat T-T .*maap yah maap* keep the ball rolling, i think it's better for me to choose the next person who will decide the theme.. and that person would beeeee...LILI... =)
have fun Li.... ^^
Thursday, July 1, 2010
*posting updates
anyway here you go.. di postingan bbrp hari lalu aku kan masukin foto yg nasi kuning n sate itu, nah resep nasi kuningnya udah. skarang si sate.
for us, kita udah marinade dagingnya dr malem sebelomnya. this is actually the 2nd try for us, 1st try kita bener2 dibikin kayak sate tp kali ini motong dagingnya kekecilan jadilah ga disate.. oh btw, ini foto kalo dagingnya di-sate..
Ok, supaya lebih gampang, aku ulang lagi deh resep si nasi..biar smuanya in one go.. ^^
Nasi kuning
Nasi dicuci seperti biasa terus dikasih tumeric BUBUK (sbg pewarna). kira2 ajah tergantung banyaknya nasi...mungkin 1 sendok teh. Aku sih kemaren 5 cups mungkin pake 1-2 sdt lah.. btw, airnya jangan byk2.. pas udah jadi tunggu sbentar krg lebih 5 menit-an trs pelan2 masukin coconut cream and aduk. (makanya aernya pertama kali jangan banyak2 ntar jadi kelembekan).. kasih garam merica dikit..cobain and kalo kamu dah happy then jadilah tuh si nasi kuning. =)
Lebih enak kali dimarinate dulu..aku marinate pake.. garlic,merica,garam,kecap manis, n kecap asin dikit. Aduk2, leave in the fridge for a night (ini kalo ga keburu ga usah marinate gpp, cuma yah rasanya kurang meresap).
Besokannya kalo mo disate yah disate deh.. aku sih biasa tusuk satenya direndem dl di air panas alasannya spya pas dibakar ga kebakar tuh tusukan.
Siapkan frying pan yang panas banget nget nget.. Jangan lupa kasih sedikit minyak. kalo ada cast iron lebih bagus lagih.itu loh yg penggorengan super berat n ada garis2nya.. ha3.. stelah panas banget nget nget.. tarulah daging2 di atasnya.
1. kalo cast iron
taro daging di atasnya n tunggu slama bberapa menit. kalo belom bsa dibalik artinya belon mateng, tungguin ajah. stelah itu yah dibalik. syarat utama utk teknik ini wajan harus super panas, jadi abis skali masak..tungguin dulu sampe panas lagi, jangan terburu2 masukin daging lagih.
2. kalo frying pan
ini agak tricky.. of course you still want it very2 hot. cuma yg ini kadang2 karena saking panasnya bisa2 luarnya dah item dalemnya belon mateng. the way to handle this is to put it on the pan for a few minutes, so the colour looks good, trus masukin ke oven..grill for a few minutes krg lebih 170drjt.
Benernya kalo orang2 ga mo repot dll sih..yah udah lah taro ajah di oven dr awal, or yah dioseng2 ajah di atas frying pan. hahaha.. to be honest, if it's only for me, i would probably just do that..yang penting inget.. harus mateng!!
Ayam siap ^^
Bumbu kacang
Beli kacang tanah, dioseng2 dulu bentar..jangan sampe item..sebentar ajah. trs kita tumbuk. Kalo yang suka kacang yah masukin kacang yg banyak.
siapkan panci dan masukin 1 kaleng coconut milk ke situ. setelah agak panas n mulai keluar asap, masukan kacang yang sudah ditumbuk. kasih kecap manis, garam n merica. Cobain rasanya, tambahin yang kurang and terus tunggu sampe mendidih dan jangan lupa diaduk sekali2 yah... Udah itu, kecilkan api and tunggu beberapa menit lagi. bumbu kacangnya hrsnya akan lebih mengental.
Then makanan siap dihidangkan.... ^^
**note: please makannya jgn kbanyakan, takut kolesterol..kacang n santan**
Oh dinner kemaren malem..i had cah kacang panjang sama sapi.. Untuk Miss Gil, the wifey to be, ini makanan cah2an gini sangatlah gampang.. cuma bawang putih oseng2, masukin daging, kmudian sayurnya..kasih garam, merica, kecap sih kemaren sperti biasanya dagingnya dah dibumbuin dl bentar biar lebih berasa. and with this one you can use any type of vegies and meat.. gampang n cepet.. :)
Guys, hopefully ini smua bisa bantu yah..sori nulisnya sgt ga teratur abis ga tau gimana caranya n ga tau ukuran pastinya..smua pake feeling.. home food sihh^^ n gw emang lebih suka yg free style biar gw bisa berkreasi... :)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
satoe july 2010
The second half of 2010 has officially started..
hope you all have a happy first half of 2010..
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Pernah nyadar ngga sih kalo kita ini sebernya semuanya sama..
We are all humans, yang mencoba melewati kehidupan ini. We are all trying to make a good living, trying to be accepted, trying to get what we want...cuma beda2 ajah caranya.. beda2 pengalaman hidup yang kita lewati, which at the end ...menjadikan kita orang yg berbeda2..
sometimes how easy for us to easily judge people.. yahh, mungkin kta ga cocok sama dia.. tapi bukan selalu berarti dia salah, kita bener.. the truth is in the eye of the beholder.
kadang kita ketemu orang2 yg super duper unik (again menurut ukuran kta, mungkin dianya mah ngerasa biasa2 ajah), tp kita ngga tau apa yg dia alami sebelumnya yang sudah menjadikan dia sperti itu.. maybe.. just maybe.. if only we had to go thru their life, maybe we would be as 'unique' as they are
some people are major attention seeker..
some people are so arrogant, yet others are so 'minder-an'..
some people are such big fat liars..
some people likes to look good in front people, wearing 'masks' at all times
some people doing good deeds, maybe because they want to redeem their mistakes in the past
some people look so mean and bad, but turns out they have the softest heart
some people are so quiet, but turns out they are the smartest, most fun people ever
we don't know.. we never know i guess.. siapa sih yang bisa tau isi hatinya manusia, we can only assume..
we are all the same.. we are all humans who try to live a life.. what is it that actually makes us so different?? aside from what we're going thru and how we response to it..
if only love can be easily given as it is easily said...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Tadi pas nyiap2in, gw ngerasa kok ada yg aneh kayaknya.. Setelah berpikir2, i think i know. Kapan itu kalo ga salah gw pernah baca di web kesehatan, or mgkn nonton acara TV, or baca majalah.. katanya kalo ga salah.. half of our plate should be vegies, then meat, carbo, etc2.. liat donk piring lunch gw.. nasi setengah piring.. ayam n bumbu sate (kacang, kecap manis n santan).. baru yg secuil lagi my vegies. O M G!! i think i need to change my eating habit... -.-"
but anyhoo on a brighter side..nasi kuningnya gw yg bkn loh td malemm..Ho3.. Mungkin buat yg suka masak mikirnya, 'hmm bkn nasi kuning ajah bangga..gampang gituh..' but well i'm pretty proud karena kemaren itu pertama kali gw bikin n ternyata memang gampang hahahaa.. *tapi tetep ajah seneng*
duh kalo yg mo tau yah.. nasi kuning gw itu cuma.. nasi dikasih tumeric (sbg pewarna)..nah udah tuh masukin rice cooker.. btw, airnya jangan byk2.. pas udah jadi tunggu sbentar krg lebih 5 menit-an trs pelan2 masukin coconut cream and aduk. (makanya aernya pertama kali jangan banyak2 ntar jadi kelembekan).. kasih garam merica dikit..jadi deh tuh si nasi kuning. =) gampang kan..
buat satenya juga gampang, bumbunya jg gampang.. Kalo ada yg mo tau, kasih tau yah..ntr gw tulisin.. enak kok jadinya ^^ *promosi*
anyway, back to my main point, i need to re-assess my way of eating -.-"
that is sooo youu...
Tadinya mo kasih tema 'buah' hahaha..cuma kayaknya agak complicated.. but then i came up with something else..(pencerahan sebelum tidur)
tema minggu ini adalah...'that is soooo yooouu!!!!'
Well, mnurut aku, almost evry single one of us punya ciri khas tersendiri.. sadar ato ga sadar... Ada temenku yg sangat identik dng knitted jacket, ada satu lagi identik sama motif kotak2.. kayaknya kalo liat baju2 di toko tuh, ada ajah saat2 di mana kluar kata2 'ahh ini mah si A banget' ato 'bagus sih cuma ngga mau beli ah..ini kan si B banget'
So minggu ini..let us share who we are (fashion wise)..kalo boleh nyolong bahasanya pink-buble mah..'show the inner you' hihihi...
Agak gampang2 susah i think..
Gampang karena bajunya pasti kita punya.. afterall itu kan kita banget gitu lohh..harusnya tipe baju model itu kta punya sejibuk..
Susah karena... mgkn bbrp kita ngga tau apa sih benernya yg 'kita banget' ituh..jadi hrs research deh..nanya ke org2 terdekat..
Hm... temanya agak2 freestyle sihh.. i hope tema ini diperbolehkan sama panitia.. hehee..
(PS. panitia kalo temanya terlalu broad, please let me know and i'll choose something else..)
Kalo emang kalian ngga identik sama sesuatu apapun.. mungkin bisa milih satu outfit yg you think represents who you really are and of course, don't forget to explain to us why that outfit represents you..
Gimana2?? I'm welcoming any thoughts/inputs..... ^^
Sunday, June 27, 2010
satisfaction in life...
Saturday, June 26, 2010
take a bow
resep nastar
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
armpit hair, bulu idung and heartbeat
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
nasi hainan (or hainam?!)

Cara masaknya sebenernya sangat gampang...
tumis bawang putih secukupnya.. kalo doyan yah dibanyakin, kl buat perasa doank yah ga usah terlalu banyak. Kemudian masukkan beras yang sudah dicuci. Kasih kecap asin, garam dan merica. Aduk2 sebentar, kemudian masukkan ke rice cooker; masak dengan air kaldu.
**Hari ini aku kerajinan coba tumisnya pake minyak ayam drpd minyak goreng biasa. Cara bikin minyak ayam, ambil bagian kulit and minyak2 dari paha (biasanya) dan taruh di atas penggorengan panas. Nanti minyaknya keluar sendiri.
Kali ini aku masak pake paha (as per picture). Sebagai persiapan, rajang bawang putih secukupnya; Campur dengan kecap asin, jahe (yang udah dirajang juga atau mau pake bubuk jg gpp), garam, merica. Lumuri ayam dengan campuran ini, biarkan selama beberapa saat (marinate). Setelah itu, kukus ayam sampai matang. Nah selama dikukus ini, biarkan smua minyak dr ayam turun ke air yang di bawahnya, krn air inilah yang nanti akan jadi kuah (so, taro air di bawahnya agak banyakan aja.
Setelah ayam empuk dan ngga ada darah artinya ayam siap disajikan
Untuk kuah, bisa dicoba rasanya dan ditambah garam or merica or kecap asin as required; dan juga ditambah irisan spring onion
Aku sih pake cabe besar 7 biji, ditambah 1/2 (setengah) tomat. Rebus ini sebentar. Setelah itu blender cabe dan tomat dengan bawang putih sampai halus. Terakhir tambahkan sedikit garam untuk perasa.
**Oya karena hari ini lagi kerajinan, aku juga goreng irisan bawang putih buat terakhir ditaro di atas ayam & nasi.. enak deh.. biar ada somethin extra aja :)
Sorry yah kalo aku nulis resepnya seadanya, abis aku emang kalo masak freestyle. Secukupnya, seenaknya, dan apa yg ada di lemari dapur.. Tapi yah ngga yang keluar jalur amat2 sih. So, kayak ini aku ga bisa kasih ukuran apa2. Kadang ajah kalo udah masak sekali dan enak, belom tentu bisa disuruh ulang lagi. Hahahaha..
Tapi buat yang baru masak, don't worry. I believe everything comes from learning and trial error, but most importantly from the heart. Kalo emang kita memasak untuk orang yang kita sayang n mau memberikan yg terbaik, pasti makanannya enak. Nah (ini bagian terpenting), kalo yang udah dimasakin bawel n complaint2 tiada henti, dengan muka judes bilang ajah ke dia 'udah bagus dimasakkin, kalo bawel mendingan ga usah makan deh...' =p
sekian dan terima kasih.. ^^
Monday, June 21, 2010
me n perkedel
Nah semenjak gw skolah d luar negri, and apalagi mulai tinggal di aprtemen sendiri kan jadi mau ga mau masak.. and this one time gw pengen banget bikin perkedel abis kayaknya gampang.
Dasar gw ga bisa masak, my 1st attempt at perkedel, gw rebus kentangnya.. (krn gw pikir kan itu kyk mashed potato campur kornet). Ends up, itu potato kelembekan n so perkedel is gagal. Terus ke2 (setelah nanya2 ke ibu2/oma2 cara memasak perkedel yg baik dan benar), gw mencoba pake red potato n digoreng kentangnya. To be honest at 1st my head can't get around it..but akhirnya jadi.. ok lah at least.. Oh tp agak2 perjuangan krn tiap kali nge-goreng somehow minyak gw berbusa tingkat tinggi. Annoyed but I thought it was normal.. Sebener2nya cara2 yg pake digoreng ini kentangnya kadang berhasil kadang gagal.. krn masih agak kelembekan kentangnya.. Gw sampe being a 'smartass', gw masukin dl campuran kentang n kornet ke kulkas/freezer supaya keras hahahaa...
Pokoknya there were so many ups n downs deh between me n perkedel. Everyday we met, I learned something new. I even remembered once, kita akhirnya makan perkedelnya ancur2, jadi kayak cuma campuran mashed potato n kornet karena emang udah bener2 ga bisa diselematkan. -.-"
Yesterday, finally, me n perkedel comes into agreement!! hahaha. I finally know how to treat it properly... sooo this is what I use
6 potatos
1 kaleng kornet
garam, merica secukupnya
garlic secukupnya
2-3 telur; dipisah kuning n putihnya
a pinch of kaldu ayam
minyak goreng buat ngegoreng
1.kupas potatos, potong kecil2 and kukus selama maybe 15-30 minutes. pokoknya cek ajah sampai agak lembek tp jangan terlalu lembek. You don't want to put it to long, selama sampe bisa gampang di-mash ajah
2. setelah jadi 'mashed potato', masukin kornet, garlic, garam, merica, dan kuning telur. Aduk semuanya sampe rata. If you want, you can even taste it krn kan sebenernya semuanya dah mateng anyway. Atau yah coba potato-nya aja hahaha.. If you're happy with it, leave it aside for a while
3. Panasin minyak sampai panas
4. Bentuk adonan bulat pipih (yah kayak bentuk perkedel gitu), celupin ke putih telur, then masukin ke minyak panas.
5. Yang tunggu dan balik sampai both sides kecoklatan; angkat dan tiriskan.
voila, your perkedels are ready to eat :)

kalo gw sih senengnya makan pake potongan rawit n kecap manis.. yuuummm
akhirnya gw menemukan knapa minyak gw dulu berbusa..karena gw ngebungkus terakhirnya pake kocokan kuning n putih telur..harusnya pake putih telur ajah!! so happy!! trs gw senengnya pake resep ini karena less minyak! kalo yang kentangnya digoreng kan itu udah berminyak skali, belom stelah dibentuk, ntar di deep fried lagi. so at least with this one, we only fry it once..less oil.
yang bikin seneng k2 krn mr.A loves it!'s not easy to please him about food haha..he knows it a lot more than I do.. but kemaren dia susah banget berenti nge-gado-in perkedelnya. woohhooo.. happy husband, happy wife ^^ (and vice versa of course)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
sorry for the picture quality, gw ngambil sendiri di kaca rumah n kacanya ga gede sama skali >.<>
** jacket: a shop in slyvia park (lupa namanya) **
** celana: the executive **
** heels: hannahs **
aku sebenernya ngerasa kok ada yang aneh yah sama bawahannya haha.. clananya kayk ngegantung kalo di foto.. pdhl kl di beneran I THINK ga se-aneh di foto ahhaa.. tp yah pemikiran gw sgt amat bsa salahhh.. -_-"
so there you go kotak2 for this week ;)
hope you all will have a great week. ^^ happy monday!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
money can NOT buy back time
money can NOT buy memories
so use the time you have wisely,
create unforgettable memories that you will cherish for the rest of your days
because time will not stop, it will keep going..
and it will be too late when you realize that all you just REGRETS!
stop using money as excuses a little bit more a little bit more
be wise and remember..for every decision, there's a price to pay; is it more irreplaceable than money?
dulu di kls comp sci yang super duper boring, gw happened to sit next to arip (cowonya El) n gw happened to write syarat2 my future husband di organiser dia..hahaha..ntr dia kalo balik ke oklen mo gw minta ah copynya.. mo gw bandingin sama my real husband.. haha.. gw sih wktu itu nulis krg lebih 30 syarat kali hahaa..some makes sense some doesn't.. bbrp di antaranya...
- cinta Tuhan
- jujur dan setia
- di atas garis kekayaan
- pintar memasak
- huggable and kissable
- cocok tidak cocok tetep mencocokkan diri dng gw (maksa.. ha3)
- bisa bela diri jd bsa membela gw
- bisa berinsiatif (dlm membelikan hadiah n do houseworks terutama)
- pinter yg maen lempar2an kalo pas di pasar malem.. hahaha..biar gw bisa dapet boneka yg gede2 gituh kalo ke acara gituan..
- humoris
- pintar
benernya msh banyak tp dah lupa smua euy for some reasons. haha. nah wktu itu gw blg jg kalo my future hubby at least harus pass this list 80% (dah kyk ujian ajah) n to be honest, I don't think I'm doing that bad :) Andre is a dream comes true for me ^^
trs gw juga dah plan my days after gw nikah n punya anak.. so, rencananya. pagi2 kita akan sit together n have bre8fast, trs yah hubby goes to work n gw drop anak2 ke skolah. Abis itu gw jg kerja, tp mgkn part time krn gw pengen bisa jmput anak gw when they finish school, which i assume will be around 3ish. So I pick the children, then we can go to supermarket and do shopping for dinner. Abis itu selese, depend on age, mungkin kita bisa maen2 ke taman dulu.. atau kl mreka mo les, yah paling mreka ga ikut blanja n gw drop d tmpt les. Jadi kan selesainya brg tuhh.. After itu smua mungkin jam 5an gw balik lah, siapin dinner. Again, cooking will be done together hahaha.. biar bonding.. Nah gw assume hubby jam 5.30 or 6an dah sampe rumah. Stlh dinner ready, kita makan brg, no TV.. sambil crita2 about our days. Finish dinner smua bantu beberes n siap2 ngerjain tugas/kerjaan. Gw sih pengennya kta punya library di rumah.. spy jadi smua kerjain PR n belajar di situ.. ga di kamar masing2 hahaha. stelah smua beres, nonton TV dehh kitaaa... Jam 9 or 10an anak2 masuk kamar n gw have my time with my husband. hahaha.. gw tau mungkin ini smua ga terlalu bsa dilakukan kalo anak2 dah gede but makanya hrs dibiasain dr kecil..
Hmm waktu gw ceritakan khayalan ini ke org2 yg dah married lama n punya anak, mreka cuma geleng2 kepala sambil kyk senyum2 kasian. ahhaa.. mgkn mreka pkr..'nih anak kecil naive bgt sih.. u don't know what's coming ur way girl' hihihi.. BUT ah who cares.. gw tau kok reality mungkin ga seindah khayalan/dreams gw. n mgkn ini smua rencana2 gw ga akan terjadi.. tapi kalo skarang ajah bermimpi ada batasan2nya, itu namanya bkn bermimpi lagih, itu namanya kenyataan!!! so that's the plan for my future weekdays..
trs apalagi yah..oo nama anak.. hihi.. gw bahkan sudah berangan2 urutannya.. jadi pertama 2 cowo n 1 cwe..biar kokonya bisa nge-gebet temen adeknya n adeknya bsa nge-gebet temen kokonya. haha.. trs kan kalo koko gituh lebih protective ama adek cewenya.. (FYI: update news- skrg rencana jadinya 2 anak ajah; krn kan status berubah jadi rencana berubah..ahaha not my plan anymore but OUR plan). okeh..jadi waktu dl gw mikirnya buat anak cowok: Emmanuel (panggilannya NOel); Nathanael or Jonathan (pokoknya panggilannya Nathan), Gabriella (panggilannya Ella)..somehow gw lebih suka nicknamesnya mreka tho.. hahaa..
soo..there you goo.. my crazy ideas when i was younger hahaha.. we'll see how reality turns out.. ;)
Thursday, June 17, 2010

In the spirit of many big sport events (world cup and NBA finals game 7 is todayy!!!!), i want to write something about athletes.. my hubby is a sport freak. It amazes me how much he knows about athletes, apalagih pemaen bola bo..dr jaman jebot jg dia lumayan tau.. jd mau ga mau gw ngikutin deh..
This thoughts actually have come to my mind so many times. Gw admire sportsmen/women a lot..WHY? for so many reasons!!!!
1. Their determination, persistent and hard work
Quotenya yang dipake Kobe Bryant "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" Athletes ga cuma kerja waktu ada pertandingan, they 'work' hampir setiap saat! Mereka harus do their training evry day for hours and most probably trainingnya mayoritas sama terus.. kl pemaen bola yah nendangin bola terus kali, terus kalo pemaen basket yah latihan masukin bola ke hoop-nya, pemaen golf practise their swing, etc etc. Mereka ga boleh bosen because kalo mreka slack, mreka ga bisa get better. Apalagih pasti banyak olahragawan2 baru yang udah perhatiin cara mreka maen n cariin kekurangannya mreka.
Ada temenku yang dulu mau jadi pemain tenis professional, dia TIAP HARI bangun pagi, mulai dr lari ga tau brp kilo, terus latihan strength, terus latihan mukul, dst dst. Selain itu dia juga harus jaga makanannya dia, ngga bisa seenaknya. Dia tuh sampe kita dah jarang banget ketemu. Stiap kali ditanya pasti lagi latihan. Sayangnya at the end of the day, dia memutuskan untuk do something else and not follow thru with his tennis. Terus ada juga orang-orang lain yang gw tau, abis latihan mreka ga enak2 ajah terus dipijitin dll. Ada beberapa yang abis latihan masih musti beres2 barang2 yang mereka pake etc etc.
So, just as the quote above... "A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work" That is how an athelete operates
2. Never give up just like that
Pernah denger ceritanya kemaren NZ All Whites ngelawan Slovakia? Gol nya NZ baru terjadi menit ke 93 and official soccer game is for 90 minutes (+perpanjangan). Mungkin bbrp orang kalo di kasusnya NZ teams, udah males ajah..udah lah kalah deh game ini, do better on next one.. TAPI an athlete ga bisa kayak gituh.. until the whistle blows, they need to keep fighting and perform; because hey..things happen. Atau pernah ga denger di basketball game, where the last throw makes all the difference. That particular throw can turn a loser becomes the winner, can turn tears into laughters and vice versa. An athelete never give up until the game is finished. and even if they loose, they just have to move on, train harder, be better and 'fight' again in the next game
I love to hear stories when underdogs win the game. It shows to me that anything can happen to those who work hard and believe hard!
3. team work (in team sports of course)
Ngga banyak team yang semua pemaennya hebat. Paling biasa satu or dua..and actually justru team yang pemaennya smua hebat jarang win the throphy because kebanyakan dari mereka maunya maen sendiri, doing their own thing which obviously not going to work in a team sport. I like my husband's saying..'A player might win a game but a player can NOT win the throphy/the league' They need to learn to accept and working with each other. Kadang ada yang udah kerja keras banget and ngoper bola ke temennya, ehh temennya doesn't do a good execution, ya udah deh.. harus rela.. ga boleh marah2 ga jelas.. coba lagi. I love watching a team sport where everyone can work together, the game automatically becomes more interesting to watch. There is no I in a team..
4. Good mentality (most of them haha..)
Sehebat2nya seorang pemaen.. walopun semua orang dah bilang dia pemaen paling jago sedunia, dia harus tetep patuh sama manager/coachnya. Waktu dulu yah pernah nonton 1 game bola Inter vs sapa gituh..There was this one good player at the time, but for some reason he didn't perform well jadi di-substitute kan.. Masa dia ngambek donk marah2 gara2 diganti -.-" HAYAHHH!!! yah makanya seorg olahragawan have to have a good mental state. Apalagi pemain2 yang jago, misalnya Roger Federer.. everyone, I mean everyone pasti dah pengennya dia menang on every single games. Apalagi kalo dia sampe dikalahin sama pemain2 cupu kan malu juga.. Dia pemaen paling hebat gitu loh.. Bayangin the pressure that he has!! If he can't control that, he might as well just say good bye to the game. I have a few friends yang kalo kita maen tenis bareng, tinggal dipanas2in ajah.. dikata2in dikit..udah deh nanti dia napsu2 sendiri and bikin kesalahan sendiri..
One thing I can learn from this.. self control is very important. If you can control it, most probably you can control the game.
So itu benernya cuma beberapa reasons knapa gw mengagumi olahragawan hebat. I need to learn a lot from them..
PS. buat yg ngga tau, foto di atas itu...Lionel Messi, Kobe Bryant, and Roger Federer ^^
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
draw me close to You...
Never let me go
I lay it all down again
To hear You say that I'm your friend
Help me find a way to bring me back to You
You're all I want, You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want,
Help me know You are near
You are my desire
No one else will do
Cause no one else
Can take You place
To feel the warmth of Your embrace
Help me find a way to bring me back to You
You're all I want, You're all I've ever needed
You're all I want,
Help me know You are near
Lord, I know I have made so much mistakes.. Aku tau aku mungkin ga sebaik or se-holy some of Your other children. Again and again I disappointed You and worse, sometimes I even ignored You. I'm sorry Lord..(again, I know I said this tooooooooooo often) There are times when I think I'm not even worthy of Your love, kadang mikir Tuhan lebih baik Tuhan just use other people yang lebih stabil n lebih holy drpd aku. Mereka pasti lebih effective and less maintenance. However, regardless what happened..I know I need You.. I need You so much, only You can feel this big hollow..
cos no one else will do, no one else can take Your place
Sorry Tuhan kalo aku ngerepotin banget..this is a cry from a lost girl, who is trying to find her way back home..
I miss You.. really really miss You! Please let me find You..
***note for the future me kalo gw baca this postingan lagih...
So Lo, you've been down this road before.. IT SUCKSSS!!!! if you ever feel this way again (hopefully never) just get up, pick up the pieces and start again.. tapi kalo bisa sih jangan kayak ginih lagihh.. stop nge-gombalin Tuhan terus...He deserves a lot more than that...
big hollow..
like there's a big hollow in me and i really wish i know how to fix it
..feel dead inside..
tried so many things but somehow it is still there..
what to do oh what to do...
**wrote this ages ago, tp somehow keinget and dibaca lagih.. still learning to really understand this and live it...i think at the moment i'm just at the stage of 'lost in life'..**
Di saat aku pikir aku temukan kebahagiaan,
ternyata tangis yang kutemukan
Di saat aku pikir aku sudah bertemu kepastian,
ternyata ragu jg kutemukan di jalan yang sama
Di saat aku pikir aku mencapai kesuksesan,
ternyata more and more masalah yang harus kuhadapi
Semuanya adalah kebohongan, semuanya adalah semu
Bila kuraih itu semua tanpaMu
Akhirnya aku sadari..
Saat aku mencari dan menemukan Engkau,
aku juga akan bertemu kebahagiaan dan kepastian dan kesuksesan
Afterall, You're all I need ..
Please please please....let me know You are here..
Monday, June 14, 2010
stelah slama beberapa wktu mengagumi dr kejauhan (he2..dah kyk apaan ajah) n berpikir2, akhirnya gw mencoba ngikutin fashion chroniclesnya pinkbuble. haha.. sempet ga pede bgt, smp minta konsultasi seseorang *thanks el* and komennya dia 'post it!' .. ini benernya buat yang minggu lalu, temanya stripes..

**top/dress: mangga dua**
**legging: mangga dua**
**boots: number 1 shoes warehouse**
sorry yah kalo fotonya ga jelas abis pake HP n gw kurang bisa edit2 photo.. next thing on the list to learn :)
seneng juga sih yah ternyata, jadi memotivasi buat lebih gaya cos gw tuh orangnya males bgt milih2 baju..apalagih org2 nz yang laen juga nyantai2 ajah..paling jeans, kaos, jaket kalo dingin. tapi bbrp minggu lalu abis ketemu stylist gitu (lagih ada spesial di mal) trs dikasih tau tipe badan gw and tipe baju2 yg cocok.. terus juga baca di majalah, si bradley cooper ama renee brad complaint2 gara2 renee seringnya pake gyming clothes trs..n brad bosen. trs yg kayak 'where is the sexy renee that I know?' gitu2 deh..
so sdikit resolusi tambahan taon sedikit mo lebih gaya, ga mau over the top juga i guess..looking forward for next week.. i guess..
ps. baju2 yg di foto ari ini gw pake ke kantor, n satu temen gw gives me a compliment. so happy :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
lasagna is one of my cooking yang lumayan disukain orang.. (in total cuma ada 3 masakan khas gw -.-"), yg laen standard2 ajah ..hahaha..
anyway, resep lasagna yang biasa gw pake sangatlah gampang..
bumbu pasta intant (biasa sih gw pake watties or apapun yg lagi diskon ha3).. trs ikutin resepnya itu buat daging brp banyak.. biasa sih gw pake krg lebih:
1. 900g minced beef
2. bumbu pasta 2x420 gr(2 kaleng)..
3. 2 onions; dipotong kira2..
4. keju parut secukupnya
5. lasagna sheets
* pertama oseng2 onionnya bentar, trs masukin minced beef..
* aduk2 bentar trs kasih garam sama merica..trs masak lagih sampe brown.
* pas udah brown masukin bumbu pastanya aduk2 sampe mulai mendidih.
* smentara itu rendem lasagna sheet di air panas.
kalo itu smua udah jadi, siapin loyang..
* mulai dengan naro daging dulu..kasih keju parut secukupnya trs taro lasagna sheet sampe nutupin.. do the same thing again, daging, keju and lasagna sheet.. do secukupnya 2-3 lapis..
* untuk yang paling atas cuma taro bumbu daging and keju yang banyak.
* masukin ke oven untuk di-bake. mungkin skitar 177 drajat.. liatin ajah trs jangan sampe gosong.. mungkin 30 menitan lahh.. aku ga yakin soalnya kan tiap oven beda2 yahh.. abis itu voila..jadi deh.. :) gampang kann..
nah ari ini, aku masak lasagna lagih..cma terakhir kali masak si andre yg complain karena terlalu meaty n kok ga ada cheese saucenya (gw baru tau ari ini tyta namanya bechamel sauce.. hahaa)..jd-lah hari ini terpaksa nyari resep lasagna yg beneran (yang dulu kan lumayan self invention).. jadilah aku coba masak pake resep dr website ini.
ingredients yang gw pake..

oh sama hari ini masak pake dolmio krn lg diskon n watties ga diskon -.-"


menurut gw sih ini agak gosong yahh abis tadi sambil nonton tv.hihihi.. pas mau makan agak deg2an juga sih..don't know what to expect.. tp ternyata not too bad lah.. Gw sih tapi benernya masih lebih suka resep yang biasa.. tapi Andre lebih suka yang ini, less meaty dan less asin rasanya karena diseimbangkan dng ricotta sauce yang netral (quote dr mah ngga ngerti dah yang begini2an..)
so which one to cook..i think dpends who you cook it for..kalo org yg dimasakin dmen daging..yah mending masak resep gw yg biasa ajah. tp kalo ga mau terlalu banyak dagingnya n pengen ada rasa2 laen..pake resep website..
sori yahh kalo ini petunjuknya ga jelas.. abis ga biasa sih suruh nulis resep..jadi agak bingungg.. tapi i'm happy to answer any questions :)