suatu sore yang cerah saat gw lagi jalan pulang kerja, gw melihat orang lagih jalan ama anjingnya..
1st thought: 'ih tuh anjing lucu banget yah'
kmudian gw lanjut berjalan sambil nengok2 ngeliatin si anjing..
2nd thought: 'dogs can be more faithful than some people'
hmm bener juga yahh.. terus gw berjalan kembali..
3rd thought: 'actually, God create humans more perfect thank animals but why do some people act worse than animals?'
Haha.. mungkin kalo gw ngomong ini ke org, mereka pikir gw lagih kepahitan tingkat tinggi sama org laen.. but the truth is it was just my random thoughts, which I think is can be right sometimes....
is it the ugly truth? i bet it is..
Some human just nv realize they are human
hahaha.. iyah bie.. apa ga malu yah sama si doggie.. kok dia bisa lebih baik -.-"" -.-" -.-"
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