guess guess guess what i received in my 'insight for living' renungan today??
judulnya sih 'thoroughness'.. intinya? yah dia bilang kalo kita ngerjain sesuatu tuh harus sampe selese.. thorough.. stop being satisfied with a half-hearted, incomplete job! also, stop putting it off!! ihhh bisa pas gitu ama 'permasalahan' gw yang kemaren.. memang ajaib kalo dipikir2.. trs dia juga nulis ttg the 'satisfying feeling' that we get after we put the 'finished' label on whatever task it is that we have to do.. which is benerrr bangett!!
so i think quoting what nike says.. i need to just do it!
on another thing, gw lagi amazed banget sama org2 yg super creative!! kmaren ini lagih blogwalking, i found this blog yg gw langsung falling in love on the 1st sight! I think this Viv lady is very talented.. i like the way she does her house, how she does her web, and even dia ada fashion area gitu where she recorded some of her outfits.. gw jg love gaya berpakaian dia.. simple yet feminim and dewasa hahaha.. duhh apaan sih gw inih..
gw demen banget ama org2 yg creative, artistic, demen2 yg handmade.. mayb bcos there are that part of me as yg passionate about that kind of stuffs, cuma well cuma kurang pelampiasannya ajah.. kagum bgt deh ama org2 kayak gituhh..angkat topi!! =)
kalian yg suka baca blog gw mulai ngerasa ga sih kalo gw banyak maunya? hahaha.. yup dats me! =)
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