Sunday, June 27, 2010

satisfaction in life...

does such a thing exist???

or is it human nature to always wanting more and more and never be satisfied??
always find someting to complaint and never be satisfied??


bombie {=^o^=} said...

Aku rasa ada Lo... Satisfaction in life.
Cmn aja it's only enjoyed by people who stand on the right perspective of mind.

Lg dissapointed Lo ?

|0|0... said...

ga kok bie. i had an interesting conversation about this a few weeks ago n tba2 keinget. jd berpikir lagi ajah haha. one of my random thots :)

gillsunshine said...

gw sih pada dasarnya ga puasan terhadap hal - hal tertentu dan puasan pada hal - hal tertentu hahaha .. jadi intinya jawaban pertanyaan loe itu, .. ada!!!

gw ga bisa memberikan wise statement kayak bombie, lo :D
intinya puas ga puas ya tergantung orangnyaaaa , .. wise enough ga tuh? hehe :p