Wednesday, June 9, 2010


lanjutan dr yang kemaren postingan adventure n ditambah postingan bombie yang ternyata mengalami hal yang sama dng saya, akhirnya gw menulis postingan inih. Am I still in the same state as few days ago? I might say so, eventho I feel a lot better now.
So, what happen in these few days with regards to dreams?

Kemaren ini gw dengerin podcastnya si Joel Osteen, ada satu yg judulnya 'It's never to late to get started' n thank God itu nguatin gw banget. I need that badly!! Jujur lately gw somehow ngerasa tua banget, ngerasa dah telat lah ngapa2in, n apalagih ditambah dah nikah, jd kan apa2 harus banyak perhitungan..dah ga sendiri lagih. BUT I was wrong.. itu smua cuma alesan gw ajah..setelah dipikir2 lagih, I don't think I'm that old old.. terus juga baca blognya Arman - Life begins at 30.. I'm not even 30 yet!!! hehehe..*menghibur diri* Intinya it's not to late to get started... trs urusan nikah.. emang lah ga segampang dulu wktu single, gw ga bisa pindah kota/negara se-enak jidat gw but still it's not an's not too late to get started!! I can bloom wherever I'm planted.. The key is I want to do somethin different or not.. do I want get out of my comfie zone or not..

Lalu yg kedua, kmaren pas baca buku renungan eh ga disengaja-sengaja..topic hari itu adalah ttg 'What's your Dream?' (gilaa yah bisa pas gituh.. ) ngebahas 2 important principles: Keep your dream alive and Dream again, only bigger..When it seems that your dream is gasping its last breath, keep believing God; you're closer to giving birth (to your dream) than you've ever been!

so, what is the conclusion...
I can't blame my situation of not feeling hmm 'right', no adventure etc etc. emang mungkin gw ga bisa pindah kota utk saat inih, or I can't do anything but bukan berarti gw ga bisa do somethin here, with what i have.. God didn't put me here by mistake..

Bombiieeee.. so I guess kta harus melangkah..try somethin new cos otherwise we'll stuck here.. at least you know your passion/dreams which is to dance again.. gw masih agak2 blank hahaa. *gila yah gw ga tau passion gw sendiri apa.. hahahaha..-.-" ato ato..lo kan suka amrik..napa ga coba daftar kerja di amrik, nothin to loose.. you'll never kno wat u'll get.. in the meantime, gw akan mencari2 n mencoba2 banyak hal.. at least i'm trying until i find what i really really want..ayo bie..we do this together!!! =) not easy, but every little steps will count..

on the touch of dreams, i want to share about this special someone who pursue his dream and I admire him so much..bukan nepotism but this guy is my husband.. so, dia di Indo dah ada usaha kluarga, smua dah beres tinggal jalanin least regular income dah ada.. but he felt there was somethin missing.. until he realized he loves cooking and want to do somethin ke arah sana.. so dia ninggalin itu smua (Indo, regular income, etc etc) and came here..he started dr bawah banget, which is go to uni to do culinary arts..also, he does part time as well 5.30 in the morning!! dari yang nyuruh2 org skarang jadi disuruh2 org.. day by day, dia terus amazes me by his dreams n visions.. dia crita mimpi2 dia.. one day mo buka cafe/resto or kalo dia br dpt 'ilham' or ide2 baru ttg mimpinya dia, dia pasti cerita ke gw.. kadang gw sampe suka nebeng mimpinya dia since gw msh mencari mimpi gw juga hahaha.. I really believe one day I will see all his dreams come true... smentara gw akan trs blajar jadi his best supporter.. afterall behind evry great man kan there's a great woman rite?? hhahaha.. i don't mind being the great woman.. =p kadang ga kepikir how are we gonna get there.. cos cafe/resto kan butuh modal juga, belom yang laen2.. but at least we will try.. how it all will turn out, urusan Tuhan least Andre is dare to dream... n I'm so so so jealous.. anyway..cheers to your dream babe!!! will see it one day =) and pada saat itu kta bisa melihat ke blakang n cuma bilang 'how great is our God' =)

skarang gw ga mo kalahh.. GANBATE!!!
*gila postingan ari ini panjang bangettt....*


Arman said...

yah emang sebisa mungkin, mimpi itu harus dikejar.

keluar dari comfort zone emang susah banget. tapi sometimes kita harus lakukan kalo gak mau stuck pada kehidupan yang 'itu2 aja'. susah emang, dan perlu perjuangan. tapi ada kepuasan tersendiri... :)

kalo emang pengen pindah ke luar kota/negeri, gak ada salahnya dicoba. mumpung masih muda (iya gua udah 30.. udah tua... :P), apalagi kalo belum punya anak... semakin tambah umur, semakin banyak tanggungan, akan semakin susah untuk mau keluar dari comfort zone... :D

gua sendiri juga masih banyak mimpi2 gua yang masih cuma dalam tahap mimpi. 'susah' untuk merealisasikan... atau ya sebenernya kurang niat dan usaha aja kali ya... :P

|0|0... said...

hehe lo ga tua kok man..lo lebih 'matang' haha..justru gw hrs blajar dr elo yg udah sdikit lbh byk makan garam kehidupan (perumpamaan gw bner ga sih?? lupa euy)
gpp pnya mimpi yg blm terealisasikan..jd kan smangat menghadapi hidup..kl dl mah gw slalu blg 'what's the point of having vision, if you don't blieve you'll see it one day' :)
--> promosi nih..sapa tau bsa msk ke quote list lo man :p

Pinkbuble said...

Gw mimpi untuk ada studio balet sendiri lo, waktu itu semua just right di depan malah ke sg and start sumting yang i tot i'm gonna like more than that ballet studio thingy..tapi emang ga ada yang kebetulan, ternyata apa yang gw dapet di sg itu bukan sumting yang gw mau..tapi sumting yang gw butuh! He is awesome!

|0|0... said...

serius lo el??udah di depan mata? wahh how exciting!! tp he eh emang Dia tau yang terbaik buat kita.. kita tinggal do our part :) wah kalo lo msh di indo, brarti lo dah punya studio balet donk yah...

bombie {=^o^=} said...

haoehoaoehoahohe :)
Ga panjang lah Lo...dreams harus diingetin gapapan postingan panjang2 :) aheohaoeh :)

thank you banget buat responsnya Lo... hehehe :) gua jg lagi sibuk mencari .... mimpi yg ....gua jg ga jelas ini.. sebenernya gua punya mimpi ga seh ? ahhahah :)

every bit of input is appreciated.
gua bakal response dari blog gua :) aheoahoeh

EL .... ternyata dream loe itu toh !! baru gua mo nanya :) hehehehe

bombie {=^o^=}

|0|0... said...

dah read ur posting bie..dah ksh komen jg hihi..
gw jg lg menata ulang smuanya nih ha3..mgkn gw hrs menulis posting yg isinya list dream gw, gede kecil, agak crazy hahaa..biar nanti2 gw bsa liat again n nge-cek how far i go..hmmm..

gillsunshine said...

lolo! i just read it!
and i'm wondering about my dream now :)

well, gw itu banyak maunya! ah jadi curcol neh haha :D
thank you for sharing, lo ..
gw mo ikutan bombie ah, ntar gw bakal post di blog gw juga :)

|0|0... said... yakin bkn elo doank kok gil yg banyak maunya. gw juga!! and gw yakin ga cuma kita b2 doank jg yg byk maunya hahahaa.. tunggu postingan eloo yahh :)can't wait!

killerjoe7 said...

Was browsing and saw you were a poet checked out some of your work,especially liked dream, you have a wise and positive attitude for someone your age, live your dreams