Tuesday, August 24, 2010

the happiness project

at the moment aku lagih baca buku 'the happiness project'.. you might be thinking that i'm not happy and that's why i'm reading this book.. but I'm actually happy kok (aside from the 'weight' problem, still not happy about this :p). it's just i think my life can still be improved and i can be happier..And the truth is, that is what the author feel as well.. She's happy with his husband, children, she lives in her fave city New York, doing what she loves. So, she's nowhere close to depression or anything like that. She's just trying to make her life better and she's do it right here right now (i.e. without having to quit her job, got divorce or need to travel to 3 countries; which for me is probably more do-able.)

So, apa trik2 yg dibahas di sinih?
1. boost energy - vitality
2. remember love - marriage
3. aim higher - work
4. lighten up - parenthood
5. be serious about play - leisure
6. make time for friends - friendship
7. buy some happiness - money
8. contemplate the Heaven - eternity
9. pursue a passion - books
10. pay attention - mindfulness
11. keep a contended heart - attitude
12. boot camp perfect - happiness

aku baru baca sampe bab 3, but so far iLike *kasih jempol* ga rugi kok baca buku inih. so, buat orang2 yang lagih pengen baca buku.. try read this one =)

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