Sunday, September 5, 2010

nz oh nz

hr ini gw lagih agak gimana gitu (prihatin cmpr sedih) with all the things that happen in nz lately.. last week ada 2 big things that happen in nz..

1. one of the biggest nz owned finance company has collapsed and pemerintah tuh yg sampe musti bailed them out banyak banget, spy ekonomi di nz tetep jalan. krn banyak farmers n pengusaha2 kecil yg naro duit di perusahaan ituh n kl sampe uang mereka ga keluar sih, gw ga tau dah.. n mnurut koran2.. this bail out will cost the rest of nz (us, the taxpayers) about $200,000an per person. haddoohh gila yahh..
topic ini bener2 jadi buah bibir semingguan kemaren..kayaknya ga ada yg diomongin selaen inih. i think skrg sih pelan2 dah calming down.. but i guess the effect bakalan masih akan berkelanjutan.

2. gempa bumi di christchurch. thank God it's not in Auckland, or otherwise mgkn nih postingan ga bakalan exists n thank God jg, gw ga ada sodara/temen yg dket2 banget di sonoh. tapi hati gw tetep sedih ngedenger berita n ngeliat gmbr2nya.. my heart goes to the christchurch people. it must be very devastating for them! but nz is very blessed that no one died pdhl it happened at 4.30am in the morning waktu org2 tidur..n kalo liat reruntuhan2nya sih..bakalan ga percaya kl ga ada yg meninggal lohh...

trs gw kan kerja di insurance company, jadi yah pasti lah berasa banget secara org2 pasti pada make a claim. inih ajah org2 di kntr yg ngurus2in tampangnya dah pada capek. (apparently bagian claim ada yg kerja over the weekend gara2 ini).. nah trs gw bayangin, apalagih org yg ngalamin gempanya n tinggal di christchurch yahh.. ckckck.. pasti bakalan lebih capek etc etc..

lalu lalu... pastilah these whole things bakalan cost nz some more money to do the fixing, reconstruction, etc etc.. pemerintah pasti mabok banget dah skrg..-.-" uang buat ini, uang buat itu. but there you go nz, we've been so comfortable in everything we have that often we forget that there's Someone bigger than us.

I am a great believer that everything happened for a reason. I know God has a plan behind everything that happened. I think God is trying to say something for NZ, to remind us again that we need Him. Afterall lagu kebangsaan NZ adalah 'God defend NZ' and this place yg kena earthquake adalah 'Christchurch'.

also, out of all this, gw makin nyadar.. that i heart nz.. it has been home for the past 10 years. n i feel so blessed to be able to live in this lovely, beautiful country =)

1 comment:

William Lim said...

cieh... your patrioticism toward new zealand is pretty intense... haha... very good.