Saturday, October 30, 2010


beberapa hari lalu gw nonton eat pray love, trus kan scene di mana mreka have thanksgiving dinner gitu tiba2 jd keinget kalo emang thanksgiving kan saat2 skarang nih.. jd pengen jg adain dinner kyk gitu with my closest friends and exactly like in the movie, we say what we're thankful for this year.. trs gw dha mikir, gw bakal ngomong apa yah. guess wat??? i was blank.. i got nothin to say, cos to be honest.. taon ini i dont think i did anything big. apalagih compare taon 2009 di mana gw had a wedding (twice), new job, church camp, etc etc.. taon inih.. big zero.. yah life goes as normal, but ga ada yg bener2 gimana gitu lhoo..all my plans buat taon ini tak tercapai :-( i felt shock and a bit sad at the same time.. how come i got nothin to thankful for??

nah, td somehow..randomly (biasa dahh) gw tiba2 ngerasa overwhelmed.. i felt so thankful for whatever i have.... i am thankful :
  • that i have a husband who is extremely awesome and kind and can make me laugh.. a husband, a lover and a best friend..and kita msh bisa enjoy our days together dlm keadaan sehat tanpa kekurangan suatu apapun
  • that i have a bed that i can lay my body down at night, a place to call home, food to eat (yg kadang bahkan berlebihan!!), clothes and shoes to wear (again yg bahkan berlebihan -.-)
  • that i live in this beautiful country and have a great job with good pay
  • for the fact that i have unlimited dreams and hopes yg gw jamin bisa gw raih asal gw berdoa dan berusaha
  • for my parents and my bawel brother who i know love me very much and always support me in everything
  • good, excellent friends
masih banyak yang laen, cuma ini ajah yg gw tulis dl yahh... gw ini mgkn terpengaruh gara2 keadaan yg terjadi di indo akhir2 inih.. gunung meletus, tsunami, gempa bumi, banjir, etc etc.. gw baca di detik, yang pas kejadian gunung merapi ada banyak org yg ga mau diungsikan. gw pikir mgkn mreka ga mo ngungsi karena ya ini lah harta mreka satu2nya.. skrg kalo ditinggal mo gmana.. trs gw pikir mreka yg di pengungsian.. tidur jg ga enak, n indo gitu lho..mgkn tdur di lantai.. mo brapa lama.. kejadian tsunami..banyak yg meninggal, can be a father, mother, friends, brothers, sisters..skrg mo gimana.. makanan jg berebutan krn nunggu sumbangan. n scara di indo kan distribusinya msh kurang terjamin..agak ngenes ngebayanginnya...

jujur sedih banget loh pas denger smua yg terjadi di Indo.. trs bersamaan lagih..kyknya gmana gituh (haha.. gw ajah yg bukan apa2 dah sedih.. apalagih bapak presiden yah.. dia mah tapi mgkn lebih sakit kepala drpd sedih).

Tuhan, terus jagain Indo yah..i kno apapun yg terjadi pasti seijin Engkau.. please pulihkan Indonesia and tetep in control of Indo.. give the people strength, wisdom and for Your children, give them abundant faith so that they keep put their eyes on You.
i feel so bad sebelonnya i complaint kayaknya taon ini ga ada apa2.. nothin to be thankful for.. i didn't realise how i get it so easy compared to those people.. so thank You as well for that.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

pulang kerja

suatu sore yang cerah saat gw lagi jalan pulang kerja, gw melihat orang lagih jalan ama anjingnya..

1st thought: 'ih tuh anjing lucu banget yah'

kmudian gw lanjut berjalan sambil nengok2 ngeliatin si anjing..

2nd thought: 'dogs can be more faithful than some people'

hmm bener juga yahh.. terus gw berjalan kembali..

3rd thought: 'actually, God create humans more perfect thank animals but why do some people act worse than animals?'

Haha.. mungkin kalo gw ngomong ini ke org, mereka pikir gw lagih kepahitan tingkat tinggi sama org laen.. but the truth is it was just my random thoughts, which I think is can be right sometimes....

is it the ugly truth? i bet it is..

Thursday, October 21, 2010

it's never to late....

to fall in love... and maybe again and again =)
to start dreaming
to start a new career
to break that bad habit and start a good one
to be a better person.... husband, wife, worker,parents, friend, etc
to live healthy
to have your own business
to be closer with God
to start enjoying sunrise and sunset
to act 'crazy' at times
to look beautiful
to make peace with everyone, especially yourself
to appreciate what you have
to start a new hobby
to act on that dreams of yours
to start a brand new day in your life
and most importantly..
it's never late to be happy =D

Sunday, October 17, 2010


guess guess guess what i received in my 'insight for living' renungan today??
judulnya sih 'thoroughness'.. intinya? yah dia bilang kalo kita ngerjain sesuatu tuh harus sampe selese.. thorough.. stop being satisfied with a half-hearted, incomplete job! also, stop putting it off!! ihhh bisa pas gitu ama 'permasalahan' gw yang kemaren.. memang ajaib kalo dipikir2.. trs dia juga nulis ttg the 'satisfying feeling' that we get after we put the 'finished' label on whatever task it is that we have to do.. which is benerrr bangett!!

so i think quoting what nike says.. i need to just do it!

on another thing, gw lagi amazed banget sama org2 yg super creative!! kmaren ini lagih blogwalking, i found this blog yg gw langsung falling in love on the 1st sight! I think this Viv lady is very talented.. i like the way she does her house, how she does her web, and even dia ada fashion area gitu where she recorded some of her outfits.. gw jg love gaya berpakaian dia.. simple yet feminim and dewasa hahaha.. duhh apaan sih gw inih..
gw demen banget ama org2 yg creative, artistic, demen2 yg handmade.. mayb bcos there are that part of me as yg passionate about that kind of stuffs, cuma well cuma kurang pelampiasannya ajah.. kagum bgt deh ama org2 kayak gituhh..angkat topi!! =)

kalian yg suka baca blog gw mulai ngerasa ga sih kalo gw banyak maunya? hahaha.. yup dats me! =)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

gmana yahhh??

have you ever felt that you have so many things to do..
but somehow your body susah banget diajak kerja samanya..
dia lebih prefer untuk males2an n tidur2an n nonton tv hahaha..

gmana yah jalan keluarnya??? :-(
apa mungkin gw musti nunggu mood-nya ajah kali yahh..hu3..

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

after the day...

just update from bday - i know it's been ages - this is what i got from hubby.. he sent it to office and everyone was like 'woww you're so lucky. that's very sweet of him.' and yes, i always know that i'm lucky to have him.. wait, let me rephrase that.. i am soo blessed to have him ;) lovee the roses babe...

terus abis itu, kta cuma dinner and went to a movie ajah sih..nothin extravaganza.. a best friend also bought a cake for me and also got a cake at work.. for some reason, always forget to take pictures!!! hahaha.. kayak kuenya, pas dah dipotong br inget.. yah.. ya sudah lohh.. mo gmana.. we try again nxt time =p

terus terus.. bday kali ini somehow membuat gw ngerasa tua ajeh.. yah bukan tua2 yg gmana2 but like 'mann..i'm not a kid anymore. i'm already a wife and soon enough i will be a mother.. i can't just be what i have been.. i need to be better n more mature.' something like that hahaha.. yah mungkin ini pemikiran yang agak telat karenaa.. i think i should have this kind of thinking ages ago or the latest is when i got married.. but somehow it just kick in now.. also, bcos i'm not that young anymore, i need to take care of my health.. i.e. eat healthily, take care of the skin, lebih yg dandan2, etc etc.. apalagi jaman skarang.. hhhh.. kayaknya tiap ari denger ajah berita si ini lah sakit, si itu lah sakit... ckckckck...

haven't really came up with a game plan on how to react to this thoughts but i will.. still trying to make time to do that overdue self-reflection. kmaren ini tiba2 keingetan kata2 yang bilang 'if you can't find the time, then you have to make the time' or somethin like that. so i have to make the time...

apart from that, life is good..

auckland weather update: for some reason, it starts to get cold again!! padahal ini udah spring lohh.. well, i hope we can have the sunshine again soon.. this cold n windy weather is a bit depressing.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

happy birthday too.....ME!! =)

yyyyyeeeeyyy it's my bdayyy!!!! yah detail2nya ntr ajah deh but ada sesuatu yg mo gw bagi.. jd kan emang gw suka langganan daily email for insight living.. and this is what i got for today..

Short and Sweet
by Charles R. Swindoll

James 4:13-17

Average life spans are shorter than most of us realize. For instance, a face-lift lasts only six to ten years; a dollar bill lasts for only eighteen months; a painted line on the road remains only three to four months; and a tornado seldom lasts more than ten minutes.

There are differences of opinion, but most agree that the human life span averages somewhere between seventy-five and eighty years. That may sound encouraging to the young and disturbing to those in their sixties, seventies, and eighties. The simple fact is, however, nobody knows for sure how long he or she may live.

When we read and believe the warnings in Scripture, there is little doubt that life is short. James pulls no punches when he writes, "You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away" (4:14).

The average life span may be seventy-five to eighty years, but who can say you or I have that long? We may have less than two years or, for that matter, less than two weeks. Vanishing vapors aren't known for longevity.

Since this is true, let's do our best to make the time we have count. Rather than live with reluctance, let's live with exuberance. Instead of fearing what's ahead, let's face it head-on with enthusiasm. And because life is so terribly short, let's do everything we can to make it sweet.

How? Three thoughts come to mind.

First, act on your impulse. Don't wait for the perfect moment. A woman in my former church took these words to heart and contacted a person she hadn't talked to for a long time. The person was surprised and thrilled. "You have no idea how much your call has meant to me," she said. Later the woman who had received the call admitted she had planned to take her life that very afternoon. The call had changed her mind.

Second, focus on the positive. Merchants of negativism may be strong and sound convincing, but their message is debilitating. Life's too short for that. Spread germs of cheer. Joy is contagious.

Third, traffic in the truth. Refuse to stake your claim on hearsay. Check out the facts. Be discerning. If you are a conduit of communication, speak only the truth. If you're not absolutely sure, keep quiet. Lies can outlive lives, unfortunately.

Short and sweet. That's the only way to go.

Have you been putting off something you really want or need to do? You don't have forever. Get at it!
somehow gw ngerasa it is a very perfect message for my bday n i like it.. now, it's time to act!! =) Thank You Lord..You are good

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

october 2010

so far so good.. =) Thank God!!

beside the fact that i'm having a major moodswing!! haha.. yesterday i had this major moodswing.. one minute i feel happy n thankful of life.. the next minute i feel so bored and feel hopeless. one minute i feel positive and can do so much.. next minute i feel so useless and unworthy. it was a very tiring emotional rollercoaster.. hopefully there's a simple explanation for all of that hehe.. today i feel a lot better and calmer, which is excellent!!! =)

terus apa lagi yah yg happening around me.. oo.. mr hubby is being challenged by doctor to loose xx kgs in the next 7 weeks. so far it has been 2 weeks and he's on track. ^^ GO HUBBY!! to be honest, i am very impressed and proud of him. He's very dedicated, tidak mudah tergoyahkan banget!! if i were him, i probably already failed from day 3 (hopefully.. or day 2.. hahaha).. the reason is just because he's doing a vegan diet!! i mean no meat AT ALL??? ckckck.. and eventho sometimes people mock him and stuffs, he still doing what he's doing.. terus.. he has to exercise every single day.. 2 hours walking and again, he is so dedicated!!! i sometimes accompany him on the weekend, which is good for me as well... Ini vegan diet sih tokcer lohh.. sampe sempet kepikir to do it as well.. but i think it's not me at all.. at least he still likes vegies and fruits.. lah gw... no no!! so maybe i shud choose sumthing else.. tp gud news is... i've been avoiding rice (or at least mengurangi) from my dinner n i've been loosing weight as well. yeyyy...walopun skrang dah ga obses2 banget sih.. a bit relaxed about it!!

2 days to go till my bdayy.. yeeeyy... i love my bday.. bcos it's the day i born.. the day the world welcoming... ME =) it's the start of my existence in this world. walopun yah apa yg aku expect from my birthday beda lah dari yang dulu2.. kalo dulu kan wishing for presents presents presents.. kalo sekarang, i just wanting a nice simple day with my loved ones.. also with myself spaya bisa self reflection.. n i wish i can be a better person in the 'new' year of my life =) taon ini belom self-reflection nih..huhuhu..