Tuesday, August 31, 2010


somehow i feel so xcited..
eventho i have to spend the day on bed n not looming pretty at all with my red nose,puffy eyes n tired face..
somehow i still feel happy n eager to face the rest of 2010.. to face whatever coming my way..
weird but true..

dtambah lagi it's the 1st day of spring n i love spring so much!!
simply said, i'm happy :)

slamat yah..

buat ke2 temanku tercinta.. ripi n el.. slamat yah buat engagementnya =) maybe for you too i can say..'finally'.. ha3.. emang udah seharusnya lo b2 got engaged hi3..
btw di sini gw akan menceritakan bagaimana gw mendengar kabar ini dr my old friend, ripi...

siang2 hr slasa,31/08/10 di mana gw lg sibuk berat di kntr krn last day, datanglah sebuah email dr ni org..
'check your fb plz :)' -->> gitu doank ga ada apa2 lagih..
lalulah gw buka fb di iphone gw..trs gw tunggu2, gw cek di mailbox gw ga ada apa2, di wall gw jg ga ada apa2.. kmudian jadilah gw bertanya lg ke dia dng email
'heh? di mana? ga ada apa2..' trs bohlam moment 'fb lu apa fb gw?'
arip menjawab 'fb gw not yours' SWT dah gw!!

Abis itu gw buka donk fbnya dia.. nah berhubung ini di iphone n for some reason itu change status kaga kluar di fb gw maren (or not yet), jd gw bingung lagih.. ada apa toh.. pas gw pencet info baru deh gw tau kalo what ripi meant was to tell me that he n el are engaged now..karena tuh status dah brubah

temanku oh temanku.. sok misterius skali dirimu..
abis itu ada deh gw yg komplein2 ke si arip abis 10 years of friendship mann n ini cara dia ngasih tau gw. hahaha.. i xpect a more personal announcement. but apperantly dia bilang inilah cara dia ngasih tau ke gw scara personal.. boy oh boy..

but anyway... gw tetep seneng kok buat mreka b2.. n i like el :) wktu pertama kali ketemu udah langsung nyambung.. n arip is like my 'gay friend', **rip lo jgn histeris yah kalo baca ini** gw dah biasa bgt lah ama dia. i can almost tell him everything n anything, eventho 10 yrs ago we started with some bumpy roads ha3... (apperantly si arip suka agak2 sebel gitu ama gw gara2 gw suka bolos kelas n pijem2 catetan dia and gw jg smpt kesel2 ama si arip abis kyknya ni org ngomong suka ga dipikir jg ya n agak arrogant) but put the past behind.. here we areee =)

cheers for both of you.. i believe you will have a great wedding day, great marriage n good looking children.. =)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

my love for books

I never consider myself as a geek or a book-worm, but I really love books..=) i love going to the library and just being in that building, full of books everywhere, ALL kind of books..somehow make me feel 'save'. a bit weird i know, but yeah interestingly enough that's how I feel.. Although, I don't like the really really old book yang kertas2nya udah dekil n the kumel serta lepek.. yuuccckkk!!! feel like it full of germs hahaha..

Di rumah juga, buku banyak bener.. to tell you a secret, i haven't even read some of them!! or maybe most of them. hahaha.. i just feel happy knowing i bought it.. (i think i have a problem -.-" i'm a bookholic T_T) why do i like books? maybe because i feel i can know more by reading books.. gw jadi makin pintar hohoho..
My favourite type of books mungkin yang ke arah2 psychology2 gituh; about types of people, about relationship, biography or self-development. Tapi gw jg ga nolak kok kalo dikasih komik or novel hahaha..

My dream is one day to have a library room in my house.. trs ntr gw categorise my book collection spya kalo ada orang yang minjem gampang =) i really want my books to help other people. Terus itu di ruang library, bakalan ada meja dng komputer2 di tengahnya n maybe a few days a week, gw bersama hubby n anak2 can just stay there, reading books while having coffee or juices for the children.. study together.. exploring 'new world' together..

Ahhhh.. i love books!!!! <3

PS. ga ada hubungannya..tp gw lg kangen banget sama rumah jkt n my parents huhuhu..

the happiness project

at the moment aku lagih baca buku 'the happiness project'.. you might be thinking that i'm not happy and that's why i'm reading this book.. but I'm actually happy kok (aside from the 'weight' problem, still not happy about this :p). it's just i think my life can still be improved and i can be happier..And the truth is, that is what the author feel as well.. She's happy with his husband, children, she lives in her fave city New York, doing what she loves. So, she's nowhere close to depression or anything like that. She's just trying to make her life better and she's do it right here right now (i.e. without having to quit her job, got divorce or need to travel to 3 countries; which for me is probably more do-able.)

So, apa trik2 yg dibahas di sinih?
1. boost energy - vitality
2. remember love - marriage
3. aim higher - work
4. lighten up - parenthood
5. be serious about play - leisure
6. make time for friends - friendship
7. buy some happiness - money
8. contemplate the Heaven - eternity
9. pursue a passion - books
10. pay attention - mindfulness
11. keep a contended heart - attitude
12. boot camp perfect - happiness

aku baru baca sampe bab 3, but so far iLike *kasih jempol* ga rugi kok baca buku inih. so, buat orang2 yang lagih pengen baca buku.. try read this one =)

Monday, August 23, 2010


duu ari ini gw ngerasa frustasi n seakan2 menemukan jalan buntu.bah!
benernya sih nothin urgent2 bgt,cma gw sebel ajah napa sih berat badan gw kaga turun2..pdhl gw dah setia lih mengunjungi si gym..emng sih br 2 minggu, tp ini tanda2
penurunan sama skali ga ada...behh 250 gr jg ga -.-" emosii!!
dah gw rela2 badan skit sglaa..betis n paha skit..pdhl dl gw ga olahraga berat gw sama2 ajah jg..sempet terlintas gw berenti aja dah k gym..tp ga..gw mo turun.trs sedihnya lg...depannya treadmill d gym ada
kaca..jd slama gw treadmill terus2an dha ngeliatin paha gw yg bs dibilang ga kecil ha3..tp bgs jg sih jd buat motivasii..

ari ini gw dtambah pake brenang pula..pdhl td siang br ngerasa pengggeenn bgt brenang. i missed swimming.eh pas plg si mr.a tba2 nanyain mau brenang ga?? pdhl gw pkir br mo ngajakin dia weeken ntr..agak amased benernya, he can read my
mind hahaha..kta makin jd 1 wavelength or kl bhsnya itunes mah udah ke-synchronised hahaha..

so gw SANGAT berharp berat bdn akan turun this week spy gw ga frustrasi lg!! :p

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


ini gw baru ktemu temen gw yg dah lama bgt kita ga ktemu.. n to my surprise, dia sih informan banyak lohh..pdhl dah lama ga tinggal di kota inih, tp update bgt sma kejadian2 yg berkembang di sini. mann.. people can really talk ay? gossip... but anyway.. cerita ini itu.. tiba2 kita sampe ke bagian salah satu temen kita..

jadi dia denger crita again dr org lagih..kalo ada this couple that we know.nah gw dl tuh deket banget ama the guy of this couple, lets just say it's mr A.. n cewenya namanya miss B. Temen gw blg kalo si mr A ini ngerasa cewenya srg digosipin ama org2 krn miss B deket sama 1 cowok XX.. n org2 pada gosipin miss B sama XX. trs karena gw tau keadaan yg sesungguhnya 'ahh ga ada kok yg nge-gosipin miss B sama XX.. ngapain lah. gw sih tau kok mreka emg deket and jujur ajah si XX ini agak dodgy, bahkan gw smp blg ke mr A suruh ati2 lah.. i mean.. si XX ini dl sempet lah berusaha deket2 gw pdhl dah jelas2 tau gw dah tunangan.. n sebelomnya dia jg ngejar salah satu temen gw yg laen..emg dodgy..'

To my surprise temen gw blg 'ooo tyata elo yah yg blg 'ati2' krn emang ini org2 merasa digosipin krn bahkan katanya smp ada yg blg 'ati2' gitu..tyata elo orgnya.. haha' terus temen gw jg blg kl dia emang pernah denger dr org laen lagi kl si XX ini emg dodgy!!! suka ngejar2 ce sana sinih.. ngerasa kegantengan n ngerasa smua cewe bakalan luluh ama dia *tuh kan brarti bkn gw doank yg ngerasa dodgy!!*

nah si miss B apperantly ga ngerasa suka gw ngomong gitu ke mr A.. n dia jd ngerasa digosipin *what d heck*.. emg gw ga pernah go into details knp gw ngomong gitu krn gw pkr buat apa lah, ntr dipikir nge-gosip, blm ntr dibilang gw ngomongin org dll dll.. gw cma ngomong ati2 krn gw smpet dket ama mr A.. n gw sih basically ga mo dia knapa2 ajah.. si miss B mikir gw mikir yg ga2 padahal mreka dah kyk kakak adek... gituhh. gw sih sbenarnya cma kepikiran mr A.. gw ga mo dia patah hati, disakiti dll sama this person XX that we just know for a while..

gw akhirnya blg ke temen gw yg td i had the convo with that..'i just said that bcos i care about my friends. if they take it the wrong way, well mo gimana..mreka jg ga pernah nanya gw, mreka ga tau what hapenned to me and they just make assumption. ya gw mo gmana. at least i only meant good'..
tapi sejujurnya gw ckup sedih sih... i mean i know mr A for almost 10 years and miss B for maybe 3 years.. n mreka br kenal si XX maybe 1 month lah wktu the whole thing happened tapi mreka kok bisa gituh ajah percaya sama si XX n nuduh gw yg ngga2.. se-ngga kenal itunya kah mreka ma gw. afterall gw ga akan randomly nuduh org dodgy donk kl gw ga ada alesan..emg mreka pkr gw psycho -.-" but ya udha lah.. mo gmana.. people think what they want to think..prinsip gw sih slama niatan hati gw bener ya udah..

sedihh.. TT..tp yah mo gmana...mayb nxt time i shud just keep my mouth shut.. i don't know.. to be honest sumtime gw kdg dah bingung mo gimana ama org..dibaekin salah.. dijahatin yah salah.. hhh...