another month is finishing and what a big month it was. somehow i felt extremely tired this month, and i also lost my peace somehow. So glad that september is over and i don't think i finish it badly either..
there were so many things happen this month..felt so likes one thing after another..bawaannya mau marahhh ajah.oh n also mau makannn ajah,which is not good! haha..but i don't know; just feel like munching munching munching....
Lord, thank You so much that september is over and i am still here..i'm looking forward for nxt month..i believe i will have a great month!! i don't want to feel
this exhausted again on 31 me if I need to change some lifestyle or whatever.. i want to be better..thank You Lord..oya, october kan
my bday month..are You giving me any present?? ;)
trs yah kemaren itu ada temen yg nge-quote gini..hmm intinya dia blang kalo tujuan hidup sebenernya itu bukan to be happy but to help people,make a change,n do good deeds. to be honest i'm not completely agree with that..gmana kta bisa do all of those kalo kta sendiri ga happy.iya ga i making sense hahaha...oh well thats what i think anyway..
Simply me me me.. My life, my thoughts, my dreams, my ups and downs, my believes. A bit selfish I know, but's my blog ;P
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Today I will make a difference. I will begin by controlling my thoughts. A person is the product of his thoughts. I want to be happy and hopeful. Therefore, I will have thoughts that are happy and hopeful. I refuse to be victimized by my circumstances. I will not let petty inconveniences such as stoplights, long lines, and traffic jams be my masters. I will avoid negativism and gossip. Optimism will be my companion, and victory will be my hallmark.
Today I will make a difference. I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving.
Today I will make a difference. I will not let past failures haunt me. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It’s OK to stumble… . I will get up. It’s OK to fail… . I will rise again.
Today I will make a difference. I will spend time with those I love. My spouse, my children, my family. A man can own the world but be poor for the lack of love. A man can own nothing and yet be wealthy in relationships. Today I will spend at least five minutes with the significant people in my world. Five quality minutes of talking or hugging or thanking or listening. Five undiluted minutes with my mate, children, and friends.
Today I will make a difference.
From Shaped by God
Copyright (Tyndale House, 2002) Max Lucado
Today I will make a difference. I will be grateful for the twenty-four hours that are before me. Time is a precious commodity. I refuse to allow what little time I have to be contaminated by self-pity, anxiety, or boredom. I will face this day with the joy of a child and the courage of a giant. I will drink each minute as though it is my last. When tomorrow comes, today will be gone forever. While it is here, I will use it for loving and giving.
Today I will make a difference. I will not let past failures haunt me. Even though my life is scarred with mistakes, I refuse to rummage through my trash heap of failures. I will admit them. I will correct them. I will press on. Victoriously. No failure is fatal. It’s OK to stumble… . I will get up. It’s OK to fail… . I will rise again.
Today I will make a difference. I will spend time with those I love. My spouse, my children, my family. A man can own the world but be poor for the lack of love. A man can own nothing and yet be wealthy in relationships. Today I will spend at least five minutes with the significant people in my world. Five quality minutes of talking or hugging or thanking or listening. Five undiluted minutes with my mate, children, and friends.
Today I will make a difference.
From Shaped by God
Copyright (Tyndale House, 2002) Max Lucado
Thursday, September 9, 2010
gw lagih merasa error nih ari hahaha. ga tau knapa kayak agak2 ga jelas gituhh.. n tiba2 gw terlintas ide gila untuk bertapa/meditasi hahaha..kayaknya fun. memfokuskan diri pada satu hal.. jujur agak kadang2 gw kayak anak kecil jg sih, ga bisa fokus di satu hal.. pikirannya sukanya jalan2 ke mana2. kadang2 kalo lg ngobrol ama org ajah suka tiba2 fokusnya ilang.. ato lagih mo ngapa2in, eh tiba2 lupa.. parah loh.. trs thinking of doing meditasi spy bsa reflect back on my life jg.. get everything in order again. kra2 bisa ga yah hahaha.. itu bukan sih fungsinya meditasi? hahaha.. cuma kok kayak2nya kalo gw meditasi bakalan tdr yah hihihihi..
terus terusss.. huuuuaaa..maren ini br di-tag foto n i am in shock. gw look super bundar di foto itu.. trs2 kan bete jadi curhat ke si el.. el pas liat pertama ga ngenalin gw. stlh gw confirm kalo that girl in baju kotak2 adalah gw, komen dia brikutnya 'mari diet bersama lo'... hahahaha.. i thanked her for being nice and diplomatic alias ga jelas2an blg ke gw 'ahh bulat sekali lo!' hahaha... sebenernya gw ckup yakin itu sih salah angle and kameranya =p but well... eventho it's hurt gw mengakui kalo gw gemukan hahahaha.. oh welll... ntar weeken mo mempersiapkan diri n menyusun rencana ahh buat nxt week.. hhhh..foto itu benar2 membukakan mata saya T_T tapi gimana donk..i love to eat. i cook good food, hubby cook even better food.. hhh.. such a challenge. but we'll get there.. gw ga mo overstress hihihi...
weeken .. so happy it's coming =) i'm so ready for youuuu....
terus terusss.. huuuuaaa..maren ini br di-tag foto n i am in shock. gw look super bundar di foto itu.. trs2 kan bete jadi curhat ke si el.. el pas liat pertama ga ngenalin gw. stlh gw confirm kalo that girl in baju kotak2 adalah gw, komen dia brikutnya 'mari diet bersama lo'... hahahaha.. i thanked her for being nice and diplomatic alias ga jelas2an blg ke gw 'ahh bulat sekali lo!' hahaha... sebenernya gw ckup yakin itu sih salah angle and kameranya =p but well... eventho it's hurt gw mengakui kalo gw gemukan hahahaha.. oh welll... ntar weeken mo mempersiapkan diri n menyusun rencana ahh buat nxt week.. hhhh..foto itu benar2 membukakan mata saya T_T tapi gimana donk..i love to eat. i cook good food, hubby cook even better food.. hhh.. such a challenge. but we'll get there.. gw ga mo overstress hihihi...
weeken .. so happy it's coming =) i'm so ready for youuuu....
Sunday, September 5, 2010
nz oh nz
hr ini gw lagih agak gimana gitu (prihatin cmpr sedih) with all the things that happen in nz lately.. last week ada 2 big things that happen in nz..
1. one of the biggest nz owned finance company has collapsed and pemerintah tuh yg sampe musti bailed them out banyak banget, spy ekonomi di nz tetep jalan. krn banyak farmers n pengusaha2 kecil yg naro duit di perusahaan ituh n kl sampe uang mereka ga keluar sih, gw ga tau dah.. n mnurut koran2.. this bail out will cost the rest of nz (us, the taxpayers) about $200,000an per person. haddoohh gila yahh..
topic ini bener2 jadi buah bibir semingguan kemaren..kayaknya ga ada yg diomongin selaen inih. i think skrg sih pelan2 dah calming down.. but i guess the effect bakalan masih akan berkelanjutan.
2. gempa bumi di christchurch. thank God it's not in Auckland, or otherwise mgkn nih postingan ga bakalan exists n thank God jg, gw ga ada sodara/temen yg dket2 banget di sonoh. tapi hati gw tetep sedih ngedenger berita n ngeliat gmbr2nya.. my heart goes to the christchurch people. it must be very devastating for them! but nz is very blessed that no one died pdhl it happened at 4.30am in the morning waktu org2 tidur..n kalo liat reruntuhan2nya sih..bakalan ga percaya kl ga ada yg meninggal lohh...
trs gw kan kerja di insurance company, jadi yah pasti lah berasa banget secara org2 pasti pada make a claim. inih ajah org2 di kntr yg ngurus2in tampangnya dah pada capek. (apparently bagian claim ada yg kerja over the weekend gara2 ini).. nah trs gw bayangin, apalagih org yg ngalamin gempanya n tinggal di christchurch yahh.. ckckck.. pasti bakalan lebih capek etc etc..
lalu lalu... pastilah these whole things bakalan cost nz some more money to do the fixing, reconstruction, etc etc.. pemerintah pasti mabok banget dah skrg..-.-" uang buat ini, uang buat itu. but there you go nz, we've been so comfortable in everything we have that often we forget that there's Someone bigger than us.
I am a great believer that everything happened for a reason. I know God has a plan behind everything that happened. I think God is trying to say something for NZ, to remind us again that we need Him. Afterall lagu kebangsaan NZ adalah 'God defend NZ' and this place yg kena earthquake adalah 'Christchurch'.
also, out of all this, gw makin nyadar.. that i heart nz.. it has been home for the past 10 years. n i feel so blessed to be able to live in this lovely, beautiful country =)
1. one of the biggest nz owned finance company has collapsed and pemerintah tuh yg sampe musti bailed them out banyak banget, spy ekonomi di nz tetep jalan. krn banyak farmers n pengusaha2 kecil yg naro duit di perusahaan ituh n kl sampe uang mereka ga keluar sih, gw ga tau dah.. n mnurut koran2.. this bail out will cost the rest of nz (us, the taxpayers) about $200,000an per person. haddoohh gila yahh..
topic ini bener2 jadi buah bibir semingguan kemaren..kayaknya ga ada yg diomongin selaen inih. i think skrg sih pelan2 dah calming down.. but i guess the effect bakalan masih akan berkelanjutan.
2. gempa bumi di christchurch. thank God it's not in Auckland, or otherwise mgkn nih postingan ga bakalan exists n thank God jg, gw ga ada sodara/temen yg dket2 banget di sonoh. tapi hati gw tetep sedih ngedenger berita n ngeliat gmbr2nya.. my heart goes to the christchurch people. it must be very devastating for them! but nz is very blessed that no one died pdhl it happened at 4.30am in the morning waktu org2 tidur..n kalo liat reruntuhan2nya sih..bakalan ga percaya kl ga ada yg meninggal lohh...
trs gw kan kerja di insurance company, jadi yah pasti lah berasa banget secara org2 pasti pada make a claim. inih ajah org2 di kntr yg ngurus2in tampangnya dah pada capek. (apparently bagian claim ada yg kerja over the weekend gara2 ini).. nah trs gw bayangin, apalagih org yg ngalamin gempanya n tinggal di christchurch yahh.. ckckck.. pasti bakalan lebih capek etc etc..
lalu lalu... pastilah these whole things bakalan cost nz some more money to do the fixing, reconstruction, etc etc.. pemerintah pasti mabok banget dah skrg..-.-" uang buat ini, uang buat itu. but there you go nz, we've been so comfortable in everything we have that often we forget that there's Someone bigger than us.
I am a great believer that everything happened for a reason. I know God has a plan behind everything that happened. I think God is trying to say something for NZ, to remind us again that we need Him. Afterall lagu kebangsaan NZ adalah 'God defend NZ' and this place yg kena earthquake adalah 'Christchurch'.
also, out of all this, gw makin nyadar.. that i heart nz.. it has been home for the past 10 years. n i feel so blessed to be able to live in this lovely, beautiful country =)
Friday, September 3, 2010
td pagi baca Alkitab n tiba2 pengen nulis ajah di sini..
"Dua hal aku mohon kepada-Mu,
jangan itu Kau tolak sebelum aku mati, yakni:
Jauhkanlah dari padaku kecurangan dan kebohongan.
Jangan berikan kepadaku kemiskinan atau kekayaan.
Biarlah aku menikmati makanan yang menjadi bagianku
Supaya, kalau aku kenyang, aku tidak menyangkal-Mu
dan berkata: Siapa TUHAN itu?
Atau, kalau aku miskin, aku mencuri,
dan mencemarkan nama Allahku."
-Amsal 30:7-9-
jangan itu Kau tolak sebelum aku mati, yakni:
Jauhkanlah dari padaku kecurangan dan kebohongan.
Jangan berikan kepadaku kemiskinan atau kekayaan.
Biarlah aku menikmati makanan yang menjadi bagianku
Supaya, kalau aku kenyang, aku tidak menyangkal-Mu
dan berkata: Siapa TUHAN itu?
Atau, kalau aku miskin, aku mencuri,
dan mencemarkan nama Allahku."
-Amsal 30:7-9-
akhirnya sodara2, gw selese jg membaca tuh buku happiness project, n i think i'm going to buy my own copy in the future (tunggu diskon). spy in d future bisa gw baca2 lagih n jadi motivasi.
so, apakah kesimpulan akhirnya? well let me say in lolo's language..
happiness is a choice. we choose to be happy whatever our situations are, because let's face is not always at the top. pasti ada saatnya kta feel down or we're in a bad situation. laluu..apakah itu artinya kta lie to ourselves, being on self denial, so that we look happy at all times? NO! we still recognize our problems, struggles and feelings but we're still choose to be happy (or at least try to be happy because we act the way we want to feel). nah, at the same time, yah kita juga harus solve whatever it is yg membuat kita ga happy. do something about it because self pity and depression will get us nowhere.
kadang kita sadari atau tidak, being happy itu can be very tiring. i think people nowadays, lebih terbiasa utk komplein, look at the negative sides, being critical and judgmental, being tired etc etc that maybe for them, being happy is weird. jadi mreka akan try to bring the happy people down.. kyk ada temen gw yg pernah blg gw 'napa sih lo slalu being positive.. stop being positive'. so, it's not easy to be happy, positive n content. kadang2 gw jg sadar kl lagih cerita2 gituh.. kan biasa org crita2 problem2nya mreka.. kdg rasanya kl gw ga ada problem tuh kyknya ada yg kurang.. lagian kan agak basi yg kl yg laen cerita2, trs gw cuma 'hmm i think my life is great.' hahaa..
yah anyway, i'm happy i read this book. i found out (again) that i can change my life without having to change my life (get it?!? *wink*) When I made an effort to reach out for them, I found that the ruby slippers had been on my feet all along. =)
so everyone..i wish you all a happy joyful life.. =)
PS. thinking of doing my own happiness project, tp ntar deh dipikir2 dulu..not ready to make the commitment hahhahaa..
so, apakah kesimpulan akhirnya? well let me say in lolo's language..
happiness is a choice. we choose to be happy whatever our situations are, because let's face is not always at the top. pasti ada saatnya kta feel down or we're in a bad situation. laluu..apakah itu artinya kta lie to ourselves, being on self denial, so that we look happy at all times? NO! we still recognize our problems, struggles and feelings but we're still choose to be happy (or at least try to be happy because we act the way we want to feel). nah, at the same time, yah kita juga harus solve whatever it is yg membuat kita ga happy. do something about it because self pity and depression will get us nowhere.
kadang kita sadari atau tidak, being happy itu can be very tiring. i think people nowadays, lebih terbiasa utk komplein, look at the negative sides, being critical and judgmental, being tired etc etc that maybe for them, being happy is weird. jadi mreka akan try to bring the happy people down.. kyk ada temen gw yg pernah blg gw 'napa sih lo slalu being positive.. stop being positive'. so, it's not easy to be happy, positive n content. kadang2 gw jg sadar kl lagih cerita2 gituh.. kan biasa org crita2 problem2nya mreka.. kdg rasanya kl gw ga ada problem tuh kyknya ada yg kurang.. lagian kan agak basi yg kl yg laen cerita2, trs gw cuma 'hmm i think my life is great.' hahaa..
yah anyway, i'm happy i read this book. i found out (again) that i can change my life without having to change my life (get it?!? *wink*) When I made an effort to reach out for them, I found that the ruby slippers had been on my feet all along. =)
so everyone..i wish you all a happy joyful life.. =)

Thursday, September 2, 2010
be lolo!!! =)
masih soal si happiness project hahaa.. gila dah nih buku lumayan bkn gw mikir n mudah2an inih adalah buku pertama yg akan gw selesaikan sampai finish. tau kapan terakhir baca buku sampe abis kapan..biasa baca stgh jalan trs bosen hahaha.. kecuali novel sih..
anyway, salah satu yg dibahas spy bisa happy itu adalah be ourselves, and in my case it means be lolo!! be Laura Gracia Setyadi ^^ minggu lalu gw tiba2 come into a realisation kalo gw adalah org yg suka meng-compare. not good rite? and i know it's not right either, but sometimes i just can't help it. apalagih di-iming2i dng kata2 yg blg kalo meng-compare itu bisa juga menjadi sebuah motivasi/push spy kita bisa jadi lebih baik lagih. sounds nice rite?? but is it true?
to be honest, the line between di mana 'comparing' itu membuat kita jadi termotivasi ato menjadi sirikan sangatlah tipis. too often, i found myself becoming a very jealousy person rather than a motivated person. and i'm not happy!! i never feel happy with what i have bcos i thot every1 else can have it better, nicer, much more.. i want that as well.. and bohlam moment gw adalah saat2 di mana kmaren ini gw ngelamar2 kerjaan krn 'peer pressure'. ada bbrp org di tmpt kerja yg ga happy gitu, ada yg emg ga seneng ama kerjaannya dan ada 1 lagih yang emang kebetulan temen 1 teamnya krg okeh, jd dia mo cabut. nah pdhl gw benernya sih seneng2 ajah d kerjaan gw, ada bbrp hal going on, but i'm still ok about it n i actually like my job. cuma krn org2 pada mo cari kerjaan laen, gw jadi ikut2an donk.. ga mo kalah ceritanya.. gila yahh... itu ajah benernya nyarinya bner2 nyoba2 berhadiah..
so after gw melakukan bbrp pemikiran.. gw ceritanya dah mulai 'berdamai' dng diri gw apa adanya n mo be happy by being lolo..
being lolo ituuu.....
- mungkin mood2an tp thank God most of the time i'm in a good mood
- ga bisa dance - badan gw ga lentur!!! huhuhu... nge-zumba ajah dah lmyn perjuangan
- mungkin ga bisa make friends secepat n sebanyak orang2 lainnya, but i think it's ok, as long as i know who my real friends are right?
- ga bisa jadi cewe misterius.. hhh.. *my long life dream* i am who i yah bener2 apa adanya, ga suka deh ama yg ribet2
anyway, salah satu yg dibahas spy bisa happy itu adalah be ourselves, and in my case it means be lolo!! be Laura Gracia Setyadi ^^ minggu lalu gw tiba2 come into a realisation kalo gw adalah org yg suka meng-compare. not good rite? and i know it's not right either, but sometimes i just can't help it. apalagih di-iming2i dng kata2 yg blg kalo meng-compare itu bisa juga menjadi sebuah motivasi/push spy kita bisa jadi lebih baik lagih. sounds nice rite?? but is it true?
to be honest, the line between di mana 'comparing' itu membuat kita jadi termotivasi ato menjadi sirikan sangatlah tipis. too often, i found myself becoming a very jealousy person rather than a motivated person. and i'm not happy!! i never feel happy with what i have bcos i thot every1 else can have it better, nicer, much more.. i want that as well.. and bohlam moment gw adalah saat2 di mana kmaren ini gw ngelamar2 kerjaan krn 'peer pressure'. ada bbrp org di tmpt kerja yg ga happy gitu, ada yg emg ga seneng ama kerjaannya dan ada 1 lagih yang emang kebetulan temen 1 teamnya krg okeh, jd dia mo cabut. nah pdhl gw benernya sih seneng2 ajah d kerjaan gw, ada bbrp hal going on, but i'm still ok about it n i actually like my job. cuma krn org2 pada mo cari kerjaan laen, gw jadi ikut2an donk.. ga mo kalah ceritanya.. gila yahh... itu ajah benernya nyarinya bner2 nyoba2 berhadiah..
so after gw melakukan bbrp pemikiran.. gw ceritanya dah mulai 'berdamai' dng diri gw apa adanya n mo be happy by being lolo..
being lolo ituuu.....
- mungkin mood2an tp thank God most of the time i'm in a good mood
- ga bisa dance - badan gw ga lentur!!! huhuhu... nge-zumba ajah dah lmyn perjuangan
- mungkin ga bisa make friends secepat n sebanyak orang2 lainnya, but i think it's ok, as long as i know who my real friends are right?
- ga bisa jadi cewe misterius.. hhh.. *my long life dream* i am who i yah bener2 apa adanya, ga suka deh ama yg ribet2
- mungkin struggle at baking but it's ok..i dont have to be best baker in the world anyway
- ga pinter dandan n ga suka dandan...kalo di-dandanin sih mau2 ajah.. itu jg tp mgkn ga tiap hr, ga tahan...
- krg stylish hahaha.. some of my old friends blg kl gaya gw adalah 'tabrak motif' -->sedih ga sih.. but luckily now i have mr.A yg gaya n suka mengingatkan kalo gw dah terlalu look weird.
duh bisa seharian kalo ditulisin, but i guess you guys got the ideas..
hhhhh.. i love me =)
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