Simply me me me.. My life, my thoughts, my dreams, my ups and downs, my believes. A bit selfish I know, but's my blog ;P
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Office Politics/dramas
Bete ga sih sama yang namanya office polictics/dramas!!??! Gw sebel banget lohh!!
I am currently working at my 3rd workplace since I first started working full time and kayaknya di sini tuh office politics nya parah abis. Well ato mungkin jga normal and gw nya ajah yang ga pernah ngalamin beginian. Terus smuanya juga sangat terlalu pake perasaan padahal kan yah namanya kantor menurut gw sih smua bisnis kan, nothing ini orang2 apa2 jga dibuat personal and jadi agak dibesar2kan menurut gw. Terus waktu itu kan ada perubahan di company, masa dia sampai ngancem2 mau keluar dari perusahaan.. and yang lebih parahnya lagih akhirnya perusahaan meng-accomodate kemauannya dia donk. Gilee di 2 perusahaan yg dulu gw kerja sebelonnya, pasti tuh orang dah di let go kali.
Ini sih mungkin jga karena latar belakang perusahaan inih yang awalnya emang family company jadi mungkin sangat kekeluargan. kalo 2 perusahaan yg dulu smuanya international company yg publicly listed, jadi kan orang2 bisa seenaknya karena musti pertanggung jawaban sama para shareholders.
Arrrrggghh..kadang2 tuh membuat diri jadi agak demotivated krena tiap hari ada ajah yg 'dihebohkan'. never a dull moment deh di kantor gw mah tpi drama nya selalu agak2 ga penting. misalnya si A mempengaruhi si B spaya ga datang ke acara team drinks karena si A lgi ngambek ama bos jadi dia ga mau datang. akhirnya smua tim si A ga mau datang. Si bos marah2 karena mreka ga datang trs akhirnya smua si tim A datang jga ke acaranya. -.- ato si C tiba2 ga ngomong sama si D (padahal kan bisa ajah karena sibuk ato lagi banyak pikiran), eh si D ngambek n akhirnya ga mau ngomng lagih ama si C tanpa memperjelas dulu sama si C dia sebenernya kenapa. Ihhh..ada2 ajah deh...
Oh well, regardless...sya masih bersyukur punya tmpat bekerja dan pekerjaan yang baik. I guess at the end of the day smua tempat ada baiknya n buruknya. I guess i just need to curhat sbentar :)
Be happy!!! :)
Auckland Anniversary Feast
Sorry it took me more than a couple of days to put another post. We've been very busy on the weekend because we invited 2 groups of people to come to our place. We had them coming Sunday and Monday afternoon for lunch. O M G.. I think I put 5 kgs over the weekend (I know I'm a bit exaggerating but I just feel like I had so much food!)
So this is what we had on the weekend:
- Steak served with creamy mashed potato and beans, topped with mushroom sauce
- Fruit flan (we use kiwi, orange and strawberry on top)
- Marinara Risotto
- Green salad
- BBQ chicken
- Pork ribs glazed with Jim Beam sauce
- Japanese style steak
( you know what I mean by the extra 5kgs!)
I only have the fruit flan picture for Sunday dishes but I have more pictures for Monday dishes.
Enjoy! :)
**Oh and also, if you want any recipe, just let me know and I'll ask hubby to let me know. YES, HE is the chef at home and I'm so lucky :)
So this is what we had on the weekend:
- Steak served with creamy mashed potato and beans, topped with mushroom sauce
- Fruit flan (we use kiwi, orange and strawberry on top)
- Marinara Risotto
- Green salad
- BBQ chicken
- Pork ribs glazed with Jim Beam sauce
- Japanese style steak
( you know what I mean by the extra 5kgs!)
I only have the fruit flan picture for Sunday dishes but I have more pictures for Monday dishes.
Enjoy! :)
**Oh and also, if you want any recipe, just let me know and I'll ask hubby to let me know. YES, HE is the chef at home and I'm so lucky :)
Sunday Fruit Flan
Pork Ribs in prep
BBQ Chicken
Green Salad
Marinara Risotto
The Full Family :)
PS. Really sorry for the bad quality of pictures, I am still getting used to it. I still often forget to take pictures, let alone know how to take good pictures. Please bear with me :)
Thursday, January 23, 2014
January 2014
After having approximately 3 years hiatus from this blog, I have finally decided to re-start this blog again. Why you might ask? Well, I have been reading a few blogs lately and I just miss that feeling of writing a blog :) I remember that I really enjoyed it before but the busy-ness of life made me abandon this blog. I was thinking to start a new blog, but then thought ..hey, why don’t I just ‘re-start’ this blog. It has my entries from years ago and saved me the hassle of set up a new one. So here we are!
First of all – HAPPYY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! It’s kinda late, but we’re still in January so I think I can still say it? I believe this year will be greater and better than previous years. Personally for me, this year will be a very interesting year. There are a few uncertainties already that happened outside my control but I want to keep positive. My goal this year is to finish the year well and in December 2014 I can say with a grateful heart, ‘WOW! It has been a super duper great year and God has really proven His faithful to me and He really does take care of me!’
So, let’s play the catch up game. What has been happening in my life for the past 3 years?
- I am getting older..oh well, who doesn’t
- We bought, built and moved to our first family home –
more details to comedetails here - I get into knitting and baking – more details to come
- I changed my workplace
- Met a few new good friends
- Wiser? Hahaha.. I know I shouldn’t say this myself and I need others to say it but there you go I said it, I’d like to think that I’m getting wiser this past few years
- My brother gone back to Indo for good :’( - more details to come
- Etc..etc..etc..- well there are still many things that happened but it can take me days to list everything down, so let’s just leave it like this
I think I am going to end my 1st entry here, just to make it short and sweet. I’m so excited to write more entries in the near future.
So again, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014 and God bless you ;)
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