About a week ago, ada temennya A yang meninggal secara mendadak, Dia baru aja tunangan dan 2 bulan-an lagih would celebrate his 26 bday. Bener-bener shocking. A 25 years old guy…siapa sih yang pernah mengira, apalagi status terakhirnya dia di facebook “Maen futsal dulu ah.. biar sehat” Tapi justu ternyata dia meninggal pas maen futsal.. tiba-tiba jatuh and pas dibawa ke rumah sakit, he’s passed away already..
Make me think, umur manusia..siapa yang tau sih.. usually orang-orang tua yang lebih deg2an urusan beginian, tapi berita yang terakhir itu mengingatkan saya kalau death can happen to anyone..
Trus, gw jadi mikir… what if dat happens to me.. gimana kalo misalnya sy meninggal dalam waktu dekat. What would people say about me? Not that ini pertama kalinya gw mikir, apperantly gw dah pernah nanya hal ini ke temen gw beberapa tahun yg lalu.. have I done enough? Have I make my marks in this world? In people’s life? Or justru gw malah dikenal sebagai orang yg menyebalkan and ngga lama lagih dilupakan orang..
So, what is it really important about life so that later on when I’m gone, I know that I have made my marks somewhere somehow…
Lalu gw juga mikir, life after death.. one day if we’re leaving this life, do you where you’re going? For me, I know where I am going.. Some young people I know, mereka suka cuek, mreka cuma bilang yah nikmati ajah hidup, ntar kalo udah tua baru deh bertobat.. Hahaha..well the above example prove that we can’t really plan our death..so, if right now, detik ini juga usia kita di dunia ini habis, are you ready to face whatever next?
Just remember those 2 things.. what have you done in your life that makes people remember you and do you know where you’re going after death? I mean really really know..
It’s very interesting..
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