Today we just saved $150.. woohhoo..yey us! Jadi ginih ceritanya, A kan kirim barang dari Indo.. nah terus DHL dudul, ada masalah teh bukannya nelpon kita, malah didiemin!!! Sampe satu waktu kita nelpon mereka karena barangnya ga sampe2. nah ternyata, kita harus isi formulir.. Udah donk kita isi udah bbrp hari kemudian baru bilang, kalo ternyata ini tuh have something to do with Customs n kita have options, mau mereka urusin atau urus sendiri (ngomong kek dari pertama).. Kalo diurus mereka, kita harus bayar $150 and kalo urus sendiri gratis.. Kebetulan mereka ada cabang di Anzac Ave, just a few doors from our apartment. Kemaren sih gw dah mumet abis n sangat tempted untuk bilang, ‘ya udah deh bayar ajah..cape ga selese2’ But then, when I talked to A, dia bilang dia mo tanya agennya dulu sgala..terus pokoknya somehow akhirnya aku decide untuk urus sendiri..
My goodness, it took me an hour to get that done. The guys are very nice tho!!! 2 THUMBS UP for those cutoms guys on Anzac Ave. Very helpful!! Ada this 1 guy, Daniel Wrightson, dia nelponin DHL gara2 ternyata ada 1 surat yang harusnya DHL kasih ke gw, tp ga dikasih donk..SUCKS! and he got hung up twice sama org DHLnya!!! He’s very nice, not like many other customer service persons.
Yah pokoknya @ d end, I got the paperwork I need and yey, the package has been cleared dr customs.. Last words, we just saved $150!!! Remember, money saved is money earned..
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